Looking down at guys...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I've noticed a lot of times people in gyms will look down on me because I'm a smaller guy as far as weight goes, but I can handle a decent amount of weight for my size. Do you bigger guys look down on smaller guys when they walk into the gym?

I keep to myself and don't walk around trying to act bigger than I truly am like most smaller guys, but I still get the weird looks from some big guys like I don't fit in the gym. It's not like this in my regular gym because I know all the regulars and they know pound for pound I can hang with any big guy. But when I go to new gyms it's almost like people wanna throw around big weights like they're trying to show me up for whatever reason or throw it in my face that I'm not 200+ pounds. I do tend to look a bit bigger than I am, but I'm still not in their league as far as weight goes.

I didn't know if this was just something that happens around here because there's not a ton of huge guys or if it's common all over
I am no monster personally but i am bigger than average and i could care less to be honest what size or weight others lift at least they are at the gym.

now when it gets annoying is when they have imaginary lat syndrome, headphones and a beanie or were their hoody the entire workout. or when they have like 30 sets left on the machine i want.
LOL..Or when they put more weight than they can handle on the bar and wait for you to glance in there direction before they try it..
I am no monster personally but i am bigger than average and i could care less to be honest what size or weight others lift at least they are at the gym.

now when it gets annoying is when they have imaginary lat syndrome, headphones and a beanie or were their hoody the entire workout. or when they have like 30 sets left on the machine i want.
I am no monster personally but i am bigger than average and i could care less to be honest what size or weight others lift at least they are at the gym.

now when it gets annoying is when they have imaginary lat syndrome, headphones and a beanie or were their hoody the entire workout. or when they have like 30 sets left on the machine i want.

I always have a beanie and headphones, but there's a reason behind why I started with the beanie. The reason is that the gym that I grew up in never cleans anything and we have no A/C so when someone is sweating there's literally puddles on some things so rather than stick my head in in I decided that I'd wear a beanie since a hat wouldn't work since I only wear hats backwards. The headphones is so I don't hear all the kids talking about some girl that they all wanna fuck while they're doing 1/4 squats with 315 on the bar or 50 sets of curls while using their whole body to curl 100 pounds.

I don't like guys that walk around with their arms sticking straight out because they think they're lats are the size of Phil Heath's when they weigh 180 lbs.
Haha, I was just busting your balls, but I will wear it year round, it's just something that I'm used to now. It's basically routine, if I'm in the gym, I have a beanie on. Kind of a trademark at this point. At my regular gym people don't even bother asking if I get hot wearing because they just know that is something that I've always done. I'm a creature of habit though, once things become a routine I have a hard time breaking them (all my ex's can attest to this as well) lol
There are a few smaller guys at my gym who do kind of make it a point to be loud and make a scene. I assume they feel threatened because someone is bigger than they are. I don't even play the how strong am I game anymore so there are times when they may be lifting more than me on a certain lift. So I really don't know why they act that way.
Yeah i dont think ive ever looked down on anyone,lol, I will say this though, most people think im a dick until they meet or talk to me, my wife tells me all the time i look mean,lol, but its just that im a very quiet guy and a lot of people take that wrong, but im a very friendly guy overall and nice to everyone! But I can see how i look mean,lol
Yeah i dont think ive ever looked down on anyone,lol, I will say this though, most people think im a dick until they meet or talk to me, my wife tells me all the time i look mean,lol, but its just that im a very quiet guy and a lot of people take that wrong, but im a very friendly guy overall and nice to everyone! But I can see how i look mean,lol
same here press

to answer your question big no i dont look down on smaller guys just those who wear beanies lol
Yea, I always have a hat on in public or a beanie on in the gym due to the fact that I'm balding. It's a complex that I can't live with lol.

I don't always feel looked down on, but it's like some guys make a point to show me that they're bigger than me. I don't lift crazy weight so there's no need for it, but I'll see guys try to do more weight and have horrible form and it just makes me laugh. I'm only 170 pounds so it doesn't take much to be bigger than me and I never try to impress anyone, I train the same way no matter where I'm at. It's almost like people try to impress others in the gym, but I don't get impressed by much in the gym.

I have noticed though the people that really do try to show me up are guys around my weight that try to lift more than me which if your form is terrible I just laugh to myself because I know you'll eventually get hurt or will always stay the same weight. I gave up long ago at trying to be big and just focus on being as strong as I can for my size. I know the one person around here that also feels this way is Wesley and I can't match his freakish strength by any means
Yeah i dont think ive ever looked down on anyone,lol, I will say this though, most people think im a dick until they meet or talk to me, my wife tells me all the time i look mean,lol, but its just that im a very quiet guy and a lot of people take that wrong, but im a very friendly guy overall and nice to everyone! But I can see how i look mean,lol

I get the same thing. Most people think I'm a prick until I open my mouth... then they think I'm a retard. Lol!! Fat, skinny, muscular.. whatever. As long as you're a normal honest straight up person I'll blab like a little girl!
I come off like a dick too, but I'm just an asshole in general. I'll talk to you if you talk first, I don't approach people I don't know and I get annoyed very easily. If you start to piss me off I'll either just walk away or lash out. I have no patience for ignorance and most people that act as though they know everything are VERY ignorant
I get this feeling sometimes, but I just ignore the fools and do the best I can. I'm barely 180lbs right now and most of the guys are bigger than me so no need to prove it to me. I have eyes. lol.
I get this feeling sometimes, but I just ignore the fools and do the best I can. I'm barely 180lbs right now and most of the guys are bigger than me so no need to prove it to me. I have eyes. lol.

That's about how I look at it too. It makes no sense to me
I get this feeling sometimes, but I just ignore the fools and do the best I can. I'm barely 180lbs right now and most of the guys are bigger than me so no need to prove it to me. I have eyes. lol.

lmao, thats funny shit!

I sometimes get smaller guys come lift next me and try to show me up, cause a lot of times i will use middle weight and do very strict reps til failure and they see this big guy doing little weight and they think, "Let me go show this dude how much stronger i am then him"

its a joke! Cause yes if you look over at me , at the right moment you might see me STRUGGLING my ass off to curl a 35lb dumbell, what they dont see is how many reps ive done as i said i lift to failure with every exercise and i do shit with PROPER FORM! So yeah i have had the occasion duech bag come stand next to me and start curling 80lb dumbells,lol. FUCKING MORONS!
I actually love working out with smaller guys if they are really trying and most in my gym really bust their ass. We have a gal with no arms, seriously no limbs and she is on the stepper, doing total lower body workouts, fucking love seeing her when I walk in the gym. We have a couple of guys who you can tell were born with a disability; one has an issue with one arm but he does legs and uses his other arm. There is also a guy that was in a serious accident and can't speak much and had some brain damage but that dude still tries and puts his weights back. Lots of guys who were very obese and have been losing weight and you can tell they try and So those guys, I'd give up a machine or bench in a heart beat if they were waiting.

Now the putz with a faux mohawk slamming weights that he can't even control and screaming I wouldn't share shit, let alone space if it's crowded.
lmao, thats funny shit!

I sometimes get smaller guys come lift next me and try to show me up, cause a lot of times i will use middle weight and do very strict reps til failure and they see this big guy doing little weight and they think, "Let me go show this dude how much stronger i am then him"

its a joke! Cause yes if you look over at me , at the right moment you might see me STRUGGLING my ass off to curl a 35lb dumbell, what they dont see is how many reps ive done as i said i lift to failure with every exercise and i do shit with PROPER FORM! So yeah i have had the occasion duech bag come stand next to me and start curling 80lb dumbells,lol. FUCKING MORONS!

I get that on arm day with db curls. Heavy for me is 40lbs, but what separates you from them is that you're squeezing the muscle and not flinging it. The thing those guys ignore is that he's been lifting like that and hasn't noticed shit of gains except for his ego. They don't know what pain is and how to push that one rep that will make the difference.
I get that on arm day with db curls. Heavy for me is 40lbs, but what separates you from them is that you're squeezing the muscle and not flinging it. The thing those guys ignore is that he's been lifting like that and hasn't noticed shit of gains except for his ego. They don't know what pain is and how to push that one rep that will make the difference.
i got a love hate relationship with that last rep