losing BF and what needs to be done??


New member
what amount of cardio is really needed? and what kind of cardio is best? I am allways hearing mixed reviews. low intensity is best from what im told, is 30 minnutes a day walking uphill ok? Or is more needed. Also whats the best diet for this tpye of activity? I dont want to end up over eating, but also dont want to lose muscle. Any advice would be awesome thanks.
Welcome to the board bro, you will definitely find what you are looking for here...lots of knowledgeable bros. If you will post your stats; height, weight, bf%, goals, etc...it will be easier to help you. In my experience walking at an incline has been great for me. Another thing is to get a heart monitor, I just got one and it's unbelievable. I can train in the heart rate range I need to and there is no more guessing if I am doing enough. Let me know the stats bro, and welcome again.

stats: 6ft usually 220 but lost weight for some reason recently and not body fat so @ 215 right now. My BF is 10% or less but it concentrates on my lower abbs so it is a real burden for me.
I think it's a toss up between low intensity and HIIT cardio. Both work really well for me, but at least I could read my textbooks during low intensity. I do 45 mins a day.
Incline walking is great... I purchased a cheap ellipticle, so I use that now. Unfortunately, cardio can only take you so far. I found that diet makes the biggest difference for me. How is that looking???
im gonna be using ephedra as my cutting aid I was able to get some about a month and a half ago when the sale ristriction was lifted. I guess I am gonna also go with walking up hill. 30 minnutes or more 5 days a week (is that enough) Also what is the most important thing in this process of losing BF. the cardio the supplements or the diet. Just asking because if I ever slack off i need to know what cant be messed with. Thanks Fellas
The cardio and diet for sure. Supplements are exactly that - supplements. Nothing will replace hard work and diet though.

BTW - Welcome. Nice name...haha
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BiggerStronger said:
The cardio and diet for sure. Supplements are exactly that - supplements. Nothing will replace hard work and diet though.

BTW - Welcome. Nice name...haha
yup couldnt agree more diet and cardio are gonna take you further then any supp would. I agree with spc too i love incline walking. easy on my joints and at about 12% i can get my heart up to speed as when im on the elliptical going at a good pace.

Damni9t sorry bs i clicked edit again instead of quote so it said i edited your post lol i didnt change anything just had to delete what i typed i should learn how to read
i said it a million times on here but it is true
Its all about your diet, whether it be bulking, cutting, maintaining
i love incline walking i absolutely hate the elliptical i dont use it unless i have to. Incline walking is great and at my gym we have cable tv so i just chill and watch sportscenter or whatever is on i love it ;).
Its mainly diet for me. I keep my protien high and adjust my carbs. You dont want
to go too low on carbs or you will start breaking down the protien for energy.
Kick in whatever cardio you like and slowly start cutting carbs. I've even done
cardio 7 days a week. Not a lot everyday but just to kick up metabolism.
Keep us posted on what and how its working.
45 - 60 minutes 3 - 4 days a week is a minimium in my experience if you want to keep it to only 3 days a week you need to do the 60 mnutes
at the end of every workout 6% incline at a speed of just under having to job.. 4.6mph? ... for 25 minutes... shreds fat off me every time... and i have terribly flat feet, and knees/back/joins hate high impact cardio.. everything else to me.. takes too long for the amout of affect I'm looking for. The only time I run at this point is for a 5 minute warmup to get the heart pumping before lifting...
Yep...diet is the key to weight loss. Also another vote for incline walking/speed-walking. That will shred you up in no time at all if you have a great diet.