Low-Carb Diet?


New member
I am confused as to what ratio of protein-carbs-fat my diet should consist of for optimal fat loss and muscle preservation. I know that I will be doing a low-carb diet but I don't know if it should be low-fat also. I will be doing cardio 4x a week and will be alternating Clenbuterol and Xenedrine every two weeks also. My stats are 22 yrs old 5'11" 195lbs  About 9%BF. Thanks
yah, curious about the ratio, too.  just replied with a similar question to a thread re: high protein.  have done 3 cycles, dbol only.  know about the 1.5 - 2 g protein / lb guideline and raised my carbs to get calories up to about 5000/day, but felt too bloated.  if i'm planning a good stack this time, might it reduce the bloating that I experienced with the extra carbs while on dbol only?  or - in the spirit of trial and error - mebby consider dropn carbs to a point where my calories are about 4000/day?  or stay around 5000/day but just make up the difference with additional protein instead of carbs (even though the body can only process so much protein at one time...so, 7-8 meals per day instead of 5-6?)?  any thoughts?  thx.

...trial and error...listen/learn...trial and error....



[email protected]
Ok i had great results with a low carb diet. I ate 400 g of protein daily ( I weigh around 210) and about 150-200g of carbs, now 100 of those carbs came directly after my workout in the form of maltdextrin and dextrose, the other carbs I ate were oatmeal for breakfast and brown rice for lunch then no other carbs past noon. All the rest of my calories came from fat. If i felt tired i just uped my fat intake. Worked really well for me.
I stay as close to 50% protien, 25% carbs and 25% fats as I possibly can when dieting. It works great for me. Later
I haven't done a cutting phase yet, still working my way up (started at 140, now right at 210, goal of 230 before I intend to cut - all natural so far, which means I've got some fat to burn off!)  So I don't pay much attention to carbs, but it's usually 3 times my weight.