Magic Dbol number.

in my younger years (20's) i liked 50mg daily, back then we only had pink thai dianabol hexagons, so 10 of those bad boys daily and i was good!

Now days if i were to use dbol, i would be fine at about 30mg daily
:bench:Be jealous cause June 1 it's 600 mg sust and 50 mg D Bol and 50 mg anadrol along with50 mg provirion oh almost firgot 200 mg Deca
Smart man how long would u run 40 mg? I always start at 50 and by week 2 I'm doing 100 for two weeks and I get huge veins.lmao

last time i think i ran it 6 weeks i got sick days 10-17 so i ran it longer. pretty good gains i just hate getting sick right when a cycle starts to kick in or any time on cycle