Man boobs aka moobies


New member
I just noticed thanks to my wife pointing them out but their not tender. I don't have alot of bloat or fat just this nice rack. Is it time for some clomid? I've never had em before it's freaking me out. I keep giving myself the ole feelsky. If I use the clomid how much and how often? I wish I could post pics on here...
I just noticed thanks to my wife pointing them out but their not tender. I don't have alot of bloat or fat just this nice rack. Is it time for some clomid? I've never had em before it's freaking me out. I keep giving myself the ole feelsky. If I use the clomid how much and how often? I wish I could post pics on here...

why cant u post pictures on here? and I would get some anti-estrogens fast before the other side pop up
I've always heard they would be tender tho. And I dunno why I can't post pics. I get on with my iPhone maybe I haven't put enough time and effort in to posting them. I really want to i would love feedback and advice from you guys.
I've always heard they would be tender tho. And I dunno why I can't post pics. I get on with my iPhone maybe I haven't put enough time and effort in to posting them. I really want to i would love feedback and advice from you guys.

so the site will not let you post pics or u dont know how
Yea I'm putting on wieght. I guess I didn't notice cause I couldn't see the side profile. I'm either looking down or in the mirror. I got some nolvadex and I've lost 2 lbs in 5 days but I'm happy cause my strength is getting there and size/mass is coming along. Any of y'all tried anavar? Is it like winny?
Yea I'm putting on wieght. I guess I didn't notice cause I couldn't see the side profile. I'm either looking down or in the mirror. I got some nolvadex and I've lost 2 lbs in 5 days but I'm happy cause my strength is getting there and size/mass is coming along. Any of y'all tried anavar? Is it like winny?

no anavar is nothing like winny brutha,