managing high blood pressure while on gear


New member
Currently running 750mg test sust a week with 150mg tren, which I want to bump up.

Anyways, my bp had been kind of high. 140-ish/ 90's and occasionally it'll be over 100. Of course this is not good and I need to get it down. What do most of you like to do to keep yours down? Pop an aspirin everyday?


PS, I've got a meet at the end of the month so I'll be coming off some times after that for a bit.
i will move this to anabolic forum brutha where more guys can help
Carditone. You can get it from Amazon. Its a natural ACE inhibitor. I'm about to place an order now, as I am borderline high BP. Hawthorne Berry is another effective product.
Carditone. You can get it from Amazon. Its a natural ACE inhibitor. I'm about to place an order now, as I am borderline high BP. Hawthorne Berry is another effective product.

I just got an order of ::) Hawthorne berry yesterday. :)
Lots of guys get on actual meds. I had metoprolol for a while from my doc, but for some reason, my blood pressure started to normalize a couple of years later, and I gradually went off the meds.
is that the main goal of blood pressure meds, to normalize you and get you to eventually not need to take them or is high blood pressure something thats with you for life ? I never had high blood pressure not even once thankfully
I don't want to start bp meds if I can keep my bp in a good range with natural supps. My bp prior to taking supplements was 140/90, and I brought it down to 127/75.
Presser most Bp meds are for
life been on them for over 14 years now they keep me normal even on cycle my Bp stays around 120/70
I've been thinking. This is probably the prednisone made me feel so good.

I've ordered the other supps and I've started taking an aspirin a couple times a day.
is that the main goal of blood pressure meds, to normalize you and get you to eventually not need to take them or is high blood pressure something thats with you for life ? I never had high blood pressure not even once thankfully

I don't think so. Most who go on have to stay on for life. I have some other issues which have caused my bp to go down.