marijuana and alcohol

It's not good to drink while on cycle, because your liver is veing taxed anyway from the drugs. Alcohol will just help damage it further. Although sometimes I can't resist.

Marijuana, is believed to help cause gyno, don't think it is proved.
well I drink very little while on cycle. Only once a week and only 2 drinks that night.

I do hook up with Marry Jane often though. I don't believe in any of the proposed 'it causes gyno' stories. I've done a few cycles now and I've never had an issue.
I smoked old mary in the past for a few years while on cycle's and never had any gyno related problems. but I have friends who swear that it will cause it. But I think if your going to get gyno, your going to get gyno it's not from the herb.
Weed is known to increase estrogen levels. Whether or not it causes gyno I don't know. It can also make you lose your ambition to train and eat right.
Alcohol on the other hand is the cause of and solution to most of life's problems.
I stay dry while on no exceptions, I don't fear anything like I do future Liver complications. Haven't partied with MJ in years.
alcohol and pot are bad bad bad bad bad bad bad........anyway, pot's illegal!! Ever think about that while you're shooting your steroids?? You could get in trouble smoking the wacky tobacky, so stay off the illegal stuff while you're on your cycle.....I don't know how much "plainer" I can make it
on the other hand, alcohol WILL make you a better driver, better dancer, it'll make you better looking and smoother with the ladies and if you have to fight someone, it'll give you super human strength to take on even the biggest mofos and his friends

bigshug has spoken
on the other hand, alcohol WILL make you a better driver, better dancer, it'll make you better looking and smoother with the ladies and if you have to fight someone, it'll give you super human strength to take on even the biggest mofos and his friends

That 's happens to me every weekend!
bishug, you speak with such wisdom. When you said that you have spoken I got that image of the wizzard from Oz.

Anyway, yes, alcohol does make you a better dancer and it will make you smoother with the ladies. I have two DUI's to prove it doesn't make you drive any better.

Yes, alcohol, good times had by all...

What is this "MJ" stuff you people speak of? It must be good...
DUI=no fun

There's nothing like being carted off to jail on a Sunday morning at about 2 a.m........not that I know anything about it of course....I'm a, I say, a teetotaler - I never touch the stuff
fuck alcohol.

But i do hit up Mary Jane here and there. i love the fuckin herb the only reason i dont do it that much is cuz of short term memory loss.
I do not know for sure but I doubt it hinders the effects of your test supplementation. I have come from 170 to 233 pounds. I smoke almost everyday. I am not a burnout stoner. Most wouldn't even know. In fact when I let people in on it most don't believe me. But I'd say I smoke 4-5 nights a week after I have all my shit done for the day. Just a couple hits though I don't get completely blown.

I take an anti aromatise whenever on cycle so no gyno worries for me.

I do think in general some people who smoke lose motivation, but my love for this sport is not hinderred by my use. If anything I overtrain. I train so much and so intensely, but I know some folks who get too caught up in Mary Jane and it alters there life.

If Mary Jane does not affect your motivation concentration and dedication to this sport then go for it. If you cannot control your diet w/ her use then don't use it. It all has to do with how you handle it and what it does to you.

anyone else have any input?
oh and I try to stay away from alcohol altogether on cycle. Although I did get shit faced last weekend, but that is RARE for me. WEED I can handle, but alcohol fucks up my sleeping patterns, my strength, makes me lose weight, and I consider alcohol altogether detrimental to my gains in the gym.

SO for me weed is not bad on cycle but alcohol is a no no. I am not saying I never drink when on but I TRY not to. I don't really like alcohol or the way it makes me feel anyways. I drink probably once a month if that, weather on or off cycle...but i never drink when taking 17aa AS like dbol...
i have heard that weed lowers your test levels whether your "on" or not. i have also heard that the average male body produces between 2-11 mg per day of test. when we're on we shoot, well, a lot more than that. To make a long story short, I've smoked literally every (EVERY) day, at the end of the day, post-workout, for at least the past two years. no, i'm not proud of it, but i don't think it has affected my gains substantially (rationalization?). as far as alcohol, i drink in excess of a pint of Captain Morgan during two different nights per week. i do ease up a bit on the alcohol during cycles (i average 3 a year), but weed is incessant, and i still feel and look great (imo), especially after i smoke. :), btw, no probs w/ gyno- ever. i think that you have top be pre-disposed to it or eat Drol and Dbol like candy w/out anti-e's to become more suscepible.
I have gyno that resulted from fina supplementation.

As far as MJ raising estrogen levels I fully agree that it does. To me I believe it does not raise them enough to hinder gains and not enough to cause gyno, but I CAN feel a sensation behind my nipples comparable to that feeling you get w/ the onset of gyno on occassion after I smoke. SO I do believe that weed raises estrogen but for me it's not enough to worry about, but I CAN feel it.

Oh and this feeling was never that noticeable before I got gyno but now it's unmistakeable but still it's not enough that I worry about it or really care. In other words it does not have me munching down nolv or stopping my MJ useage...