marine takes back flag


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Stupid hippies just don't have the brain cells left to pull off a proper protest. It was all harmless fun untill asses and elbows saw that shit.
i don't get it? what happened? i seen 2 guys steal a flag from motorcycle or did i miss it lol
I get the point when dirty shit bags fly it upsidedown, yeah fuck the government and shit but that flag doesn't represent the government. You shit on the thousands of people that have died and served for you to be able to demonstrate and have a voice against the government. Fly that shit high and proud and let it be in the front so leaders recognize why the flag was created in the first place then fly that rattlesnake flag right behind it.
That flag is supposed to represent freedom, but our government no longer stands for freedom.
You military types better get used to the idea a revolution is coming. People will only sit still for so long. You can only confine a man so long before he has had enough. push one time to many and all hell is going to break loose...and the government will push. It is coming.
the best thing that could happen to this country in my opinion. I dont want people to die and I dont want to die, but if you think I wont be out there fighting simply to get the government to back the fuck down... guess again.
one simple example...How many of you have the choice of having insurance now? NONE. Our government made that choice for us. . When uncle sam thinks it's 'his' job to think for me, it's time to fight back.
I love my country and all those who fought for our freedom. I respect each and every one. But how I live, so long as I harm no one else, is my choice.