Mark Alvisi debuting at 2010 Dallas Europa


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
He looks good and I'm sure he'll do fine if he brings in good conditioning. One thing I do notice though, is that I really underestimate the current pros. It's not too often that a new pro makes his debut and really fucks shit up. We'll see how he does in August!

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I saw him in Orlando at the Europa, in the Gaspari section, and he was looking huge and ripped like a cheetah! I think he will do good.
Does anyone have a list of the competitors?

I thought he looked like an idiot with that greasball hair, even a bit thin...and the he took his shirt off! Wow! I've always liked Mark, I think he'll have a pretty decent career. I'm with Saud, I wouldn't mind looking like that too!
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