masteron, test, and what else?


New member
Looking to put together a nice but simple test and masteron stack.
Goal is lean muscle mass, but I want to cut down too and harden up really good. I’m 5’11’’ 177 pounds and 13% body fat
My plan is 500mgs of the masteron and 200mgs of the testosterone. My question is has anyone run something like this and what kind of results can I expect?
A lot of people like to stack in an oral with something like this. But is it really necessary?
Looking to put together a nice but simple test and masteron stack.
Goal is lean muscle mass, but I want to cut down too and harden up really good. I’m 5’11’’ 177 pounds and 13% body fat
My plan is 500mgs of the masteron and 200mgs of the testosterone. My question is has anyone run something like this and what kind of results can I expect?
A lot of people like to stack in an oral with something like this. But is it really necessary?
masteron test and some winstrol of course

300mgs masteron not 500mgs
and 250mgs test with 50mgs winstrol and n2guard organ support
It's not necessary to stack it an oral but it might be a good idea I would go with some VAR
Looking to put together a nice but simple test and masteron stack.
Goal is lean muscle mass, but I want to cut down too and harden up really good. I’m 5’11’’ 177 pounds and 13% body fat
My plan is 500mgs of the masteron and 200mgs of the testosterone. My question is has anyone run something like this and what kind of results can I expect?
A lot of people like to stack in an oral with something like this. But is it really necessary?
Everyone is different I can't give u a cookie cutter answer in what you will gain or see, to many variables.

Diet, Genetics, Goals, Sleep, Training
Looking to put together a nice but simple test and masteron stack.
Goal is lean muscle mass, but I want to cut down too and harden up really good. I’m 5’11’’ 177 pounds and 13% body fat
My plan is 500mgs of the masteron and 200mgs of the testosterone. My question is has anyone run something like this and what kind of results can I expect?
A lot of people like to stack in an oral with something like this. But is it really necessary?