Masters Olympia Returns | 10 Questions with Shawn Ray

Muscle Insider

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Masters Olympia Returns
Classic Shawn
10 Questions With Shawn Ray
Sponsored by MUTANT

1. The Masters Olympia is officially set to return after 11 years to Romania this August, including all pro divisions. Does this make you think or wonder what if …?

I think it’s great to have all divisions being represented for those who feel they have “unfinished business” or the time to fulfill a dream not yet realized, but you’re talking to a real OG here! I’ve been there, done that 13 times I might add. I don’t miss any aspect of competing except the contest preparation that dominated 20 years of my life. The actual quest for victory was extinguished back in 2001 and I left no stone unturned. As a fan, it will be interesting to see what these athletes will look like but as an athlete, I’m just blessed to have enjoyed my youth as a competitor.

2. We are seeing more and more people popping up online with some podcasts or YouTube videos, talking as if they are bodybuilding experts and commentators, while we’ve seen less and heard less from you. What gives?

Stepping back a bit to allow other voices and opinions is a good thing. I’ve been front and center for over 30 years in front of the camera or behind the mic and with all these guys scrambling to be heard, I’m hardly one to try and silence their opinions. Not everyone is ready for prime time, but it sure is fun to watch some of these guys feel the heat and experience the blowback from disgruntled fans or athletes when they speak their opinions and come complaining to me about people trying to cancel them or want to fight them over a sound bite! I’m content and enjoying the view from a different perspective.

3. We are basically six months away from the 59th Annual Joe Weider Mr. Olympia Weekend in Orlando, Florida. What are your thoughts as the contest date approaches?

You know, when I was competing my thoughts at this stage of prep would be solely on scaling back my outside ventures and activities to focus on eat, sleep and training. These days as a media personality, I have lots of work to do in regard to organizing talent for our pay-per-view (PPV), sponsors, scheduling and promotion of the biggest weekend in our industry! I love being involved with witnessing other athlete’s dreams come true on a platform that gave meaning to my life and got me out of bed with purpose for nearly 40 years! I’m looking at the calendar with anticipation of another amazing production working for Jake Wood Media, which is as gratifying for me as it was competing for Joe and Ben Weider!

4. What advice do you have for athletes who are just beginning to get involved with competing?

I’ll simply say this: “You get what you give.” Lots of beginners have unrealistic goals after a few workouts or exposure to competing. There is no fast way to greatness! You have to do the work. There’s a reason, for example, that football has two-a-day practices or “Hell Week” prior to getting into regular season practices. You have to groom the body for the torture it will endure from repetitive, hardcore training and intense dieting. Time is the essence of greatness. Patience, Perseverance and Persistence are the 3 P’s any great athlete must exercise on the way to the big stage! Start with a local show and progress to a state show, and then if you’ve been successful, move up to the national level! In this way, you earn the respect of the judges and serve notice to other competitors that you’ve arrived! All too often, athletes jump into the deep end of competing and flounder among other better, more seasoned competitors and never have a real chance at tasting victory!

5. Looks like you’re halfway through your 2023 World Tour this June; you have Hawaii and Jamaica coming up but what’s next with your sponsor, MUTANT?

We are still on the vertical growth mode and kicking MASS in over 100 countries! CEO Jim McMahon has expanded the line again, adding new and improved products while expanding our apparel line! Be sure to visit the website:

6. I see your youngest daughter, Bella Blu, turned 15 years old April 30th. She’s your youngest of three girls; how does it feel?

Looking at my youngest, I get pretty nostalgic with how fast the time goes. Time is the one thing we can’t get back, we can’t stop, and we don’t control, so it’s exciting yet scary. I’m so proud of all my daughters but it’s bittersweet witnessing how far we’ve come from watching her crawl around the house to jumping around doing gymnastics and now the thoughts of her driving a car in the near future. My kids are my best work and most of my focus when I think about the future, cost of living, what I can contribute and more. These birthdays are milestones in life with small achievements, failures, and surprises I embrace as I am all too aware how many of my colleagues are no longer here to enjoy the fruit of their labor and I realize I have a lot to be grateful for.

7. It’s really cool to see your passion in promotions! You’re constantly updating us on your show in Hawaii, does that excite you more than competing?

Yes!! A resounding yes it does! I love promoting my show in Hawaii with my partner, Dr. Morales, and sponsors who support what we are building there! This will be the sixth annual Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic in Honolulu, Hawaii and our biggest to date! We’ve added three pro divisions: Bikini, Wellness and Classic Physique with the help of sponsors, GMU Sport and Classic Pro Tony Taveras, providing the prize money!

8. Following the Arnold Classic, it was rumored that Brazilian Classic Physique Pro, Ramon Dino, is your new favorite athlete.

No question, Ramon is on the right path regarding his look! He’s hot right now and very competitive, which explains his victory which in my opinion was unanimous! Fast-forward to November; yes, I believe he’s a legitimate threat to the title and it’s gonna take a 100% Chris Bumstead to retain that Classic Physique Olympia title or this Brazilian phenom will take the championship back home to Brazil!

9. You do a ton of traveling globally as a MUTANT Ambassador. What is the feedback like on the brand in other markets?

A little-known fact: MUTANT is actually available and distributed in over 100 countries globally! The brand has been growing internationally since 2005 when its flagship product, MUTANT Mass, put them on the map. The largest growth, to be honest, in the last few years has been in the USA. Products like ALL-IN and FLEX FOOD have really been received well. Check them out at

10. As an aging bodybuilder, what’s been your secret to remaining healthy?

Since I retired from competitive bodybuilding, it’s always been health first. I get moving every morning in some form or another. Some days a bike ride, some days weights. Just keep moving. I think far too many aging athletes don’t adjust their training enough, which leads to injuries. Most mornings I’ll start with a healthy smoothie. MUTANT Whey, with bananas, berries, and Creakong Creatine. This stack helps me with immunity and preserving muscle. It’s all about a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

Instagram @shawnrayifbbpro
Facebook @TheRealShawnRay
Twitter @sugarshawnray

Shawn Ray Signature
Full Dose Pre-Workout

“This one is a game-changer. Lift big. Get big. It’s that simple. I have my signature on this product for a reason. It’s the culmination of a lifetime of training, nutrition and hard work all wrapped into one amazing formula. From the weight rack to the Olympia stage, I have always been ALL-IN. Now it’s your turn.”-Shawn Ray

For more information, visit






Masters Olympia Returns

Classic Shawn

10 Questions With Shawn Ray

Sponsored by MUTANT

1. The Masters Olympia is officially set to return after 11 years to Romania this August, including all pro divisions. Does this make you think or wonder what if …?

I think it’s great to have all divisions being represented for those who feel they have “unfinished business” or the time to fulfill a dream not yet realized, but you’re talking to a real OG here! I’ve been there, done that 13 times I might add. I don’t miss any aspect of competing except the contest preparation that dominated 20 years of my life. The actual quest for victory was extinguished back in 2001 and I left no stone unturned. As a fan, it will be interesting to see what these athletes will look like but as an athlete, I’m just blessed to have enjoyed my youth as a competitor.


2. We are seeing more and more people popping up online with some podcasts or YouTube videos, talking as if they are bodybuilding experts and commentators, while we’ve seen less and heard less from you. What gives?

Stepping back a bit to allow other voices and opinions is a good thing. I’ve been front and center for over 30 years in front of the camera or behind the mic and with all these guys scrambling to be heard, I’m hardly one to try and silence their opinions. Not everyone is ready for prime time, but it sure is fun to watch some of these guys feel the heat and experience the blowback from disgruntled fans or athletes when they speak their opinions and come complaining to me about people trying to cancel them or want to fight them over a sound bite! I’m content and enjoying the view from a different perspective.

3. We are basically six months away from the 59th Annual Joe Weider Mr. Olympia Weekend in Orlando, Florida. What are your thoughts as the contest date approaches?

You know, when I was competing my thoughts at this stage of prep would be solely on scaling back my outside ventures and activities to focus on eat, sleep and training. These days as a media personality, I have lots of work to do in regard to organizing talent for our pay-per-view (PPV), sponsors, scheduling and promotion of the biggest weekend in our industry! I love being involved with witnessing other athlete’s dreams come true on a platform that gave meaning to my life and got me out of bed with purpose for nearly 40 years! I’m looking at the calendar with anticipation of another amazing production working for Jake Wood Media, which is as gratifying for me as it was competing for Joe and Ben Weider!

4. What advice do you have for athletes who are just beginning to get involved with competing?

I’ll simply say this: “You get what you give.” Lots of beginners have unrealistic goals after a few workouts or exposure to competing. There is no fast way to greatness! You have to do the work. There’s a reason, for example, that football has two-a-day practices or “Hell Week” prior to getting into regular season practices. You have to groom the body for the torture it will endure from repetitive, hardcore training and intense dieting. Time is the essence of greatness. Patience, Perseverance and Persistence are the 3 P’s any great athlete must exercise on the way to the big stage! Start with a local show and progress to a state show, and then if you’ve been successful, move up to the national level! In this way, you earn the respect of the judges and serve notice to other competitors that you’ve arrived! All too often, athletes jump into the deep end of competing and flounder among other better, more seasoned competitors and never have a real chance at tasting victory!


5. Looks like you’re halfway through your 2023 World Tour this June; you have Hawaii and Jamaica coming up but what’s next with your sponsor, MUTANT?

We are still on the vertical growth mode and kicking MASS in over 100 countries! CEO Jim McMahon has expanded the line again, adding new and improved products while expanding our apparel line! Be sure to visit the website:

6. I see your youngest daughter, Bella Blu, turned 15 years old April 30th. She’s your youngest of three girls; how does it feel?

Looking at my youngest, I get pretty nostalgic with how fast the time goes. Time is the one thing we can’t get back, we can’t stop, and we don’t control, so it’s exciting yet scary. I’m so proud of all my daughters but it’s bittersweet witnessing how far we’ve come from watching her crawl around the house to jumping around doing gymnastics and now the thoughts of her driving a car in the near future. My kids are my best work and most of my focus when I think about the future, cost of living, what I can contribute and more. These birthdays are milestones in life with small achievements, failures, and surprises I embrace as I am all too aware how many of my colleagues are no longer here to enjoy the fruit of their labor and I realize I have a lot to be grateful for.


7. It’s really cool to see your passion in promotions! You’re constantly updating us on your show in Hawaii, does that excite you more than competing?

Yes!! A resounding yes it does! I love promoting my show in Hawaii with my partner, Dr. Morales, and sponsors who support what we are building there! This will be the sixth annual Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic in Honolulu, Hawaii and our biggest to date! We’ve added three pro divisions: Bikini, Wellness and Classic Physique with the help of sponsors, GMU Sport and Classic Pro Tony Taveras, providing the prize money!


8. Following the Arnold Classic, it was rumored that Brazilian Classic Physique Pro, Ramon Dino, is your new favorite athlete.

No question, Ramon is on the right path regarding his look! He’s hot right now and very competitive, which explains his victory which in my opinion was unanimous! Fast-forward to November; yes, I believe he’s a legitimate threat to the title and it’s gonna take a 100% Chris Bumstead to retain that Classic Physique Olympia title or this Brazilian phenom will take the championship back home to Brazil!

9. You do a ton of traveling globally as a MUTANT Ambassador. What is the feedback like on the brand in other markets?

A little-known fact: MUTANT is actually available and distributed in over 100 countries globally! The brand has been growing internationally since 2005 when its flagship product, MUTANT Mass, put them on the map. The largest growth, to be honest, in the last few years has been in the USA. Products like ALL-IN and FLEX FOOD have really been received well. Check them out at



10. As an aging bodybuilder, what’s been your secret to remaining healthy?

Since I retired from competitive bodybuilding, it’s always been health first. I get moving every morning in some form or another. Some days a bike ride, some days weights. Just keep moving. I think far too many aging athletes don’t adjust their training enough, which leads to injuries. Most mornings I’ll start with a healthy smoothie. MUTANT Whey, with bananas, berries, and Creakong Creatine. This stack helps me with immunity and preserving muscle. It’s all about a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

Instagram @shawnrayifbbpro
Facebook @TheRealShawnRay
Twitter @sugarshawnray



Shawn Ray Signature

Full Dose Pre-Workout

“This one is a game-changer. Lift big. Get big. It’s that simple. I have my signature on this product for a reason. It’s the culmination of a lifetime of training, nutrition and hard work all wrapped into one amazing formula. From the weight rack to the Olympia stage, I have always been ALL-IN. Now it’s your turn.”-Shawn Ray

For more information, visit













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