MC igf update w me


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So this morning I weighed 198 as soon as I got up, stomach is trimming down, and shoulders and traps are coming in nicely I bumped up the drol to 50 mg and in a week I will put it back down to 25, I have about 2 weeks left , just started on sus and I added a little NPP to it, so it will do until other shizz arrives, also staying on the MC creatine and Nitric oxide, which I take a third of the dose and im doing very well overall with these supp's. Hope to be around 203 in May.
looks like a plan...why 203lbs, not 205 or 210lbs...or you mean you just want to gain 5lbs more...
well The thing is with the 203 is its a good goal because I need to loise a few BF % at the same time so its a bit more difficult. If I get to 205 it woll be fine and I think that 210 may be pushing it for my frame, as I like to be very comfortable walking around with my weight, I like to stay lighter on my feet. Im very careful adding to much bc cardiac health wise too, after working in a Cath Lab it changes your perspective on a few things. And thanks for the comments guys, once I start getting in a little better shape I will post a pic or 2 up
oh BTW I didnt put my starting weight about a month ago I was sitting around 188 with atleast 1 more % of BF.