med lab anabolics?


New member
Anyone ever used this lab or heard of them? Been looking for a new legit domestic. They recently bumped their minimum up quite a bit so makes It a little more nerve racking to throw that out.
I'll keep this at the top for ya bro, never heard of them personally sorry. I feel ya on the domestic source thing though.
Sorry bro never heard of them, don't trust domestic anymore, to risky if you ask me..learn to brew lol :-)
Sorry bro never heard of them, don't trust domestic anymore, to risky if you ask me..learn to brew lol :-)

With a guy like you here I should lol its a lot of startup though which I know would pay off quick as hell though. These guys look solid and I've honestly been LOOKING for a bad review and can not find one just don't wanna throw 500 down the drain honestly lol

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ill move this to the proper forum so people see it

Didn't even notice my bad bro
With a guy like you here I should lol its a lot of startup though which I know would pay off quick as hell though. These guys look solid and I've honestly been LOOKING for a bad review and can not find one just don't wanna throw 500 down the drain honestly lol

You don't need all that expensive bro. My start-up cost $30. I think the more you research the more you will find how simple and easily you can for your own use of course. I wont tell you materials or offer advice of where to go for supplies as its right here on MC all the wisdom you need. So there ya go young Grasshopper go learn. :-)
Well guess I'll have to go a lookin in the depths of our forum and Google to start just meddling lol
Been reading insane amounts of reviews on these guys suprised no one's used em. Might go halfers with a buddy just to test the water
Let us know, good luck. You guys are way more risky than I ever was. I guess I like my freedom and know what I put in my body. lol
Well until I experiment with brewing it's finding solid labs for me. And other than looking for reviews and asking if anyone's delt with em here not a whole lot else I can do to fully come to an honest conclusion other than try it. Test the stuff get some bloods done on it and share with others for the future
Let us know, good luck. You guys are way more risky than I ever was. I guess I like my freedom and know what I put in my body. lol

isn't buying raws, more risky then buying finished goods? I always thought anyways.
Your correct fellas, its "intent to distribute" "intent to manufacture" since it can be broken down and sold in finished form. Just having possession of raw form AAS
isn't buying raws, more risky then buying finished goods? I always thought anyways.

i think he speaking to the fact that its riskier , much much more risky to buy from a domestic usa source then it is to buy from over seas, which is 100% correct, customs snags your shit and they send you a letter 99% of the time, if the domestic source is being watched, or your shit gets snagged state site domestcally your fucked 99% of the time with a warrent/raid etc... pretty sure that is what he was saying

I know i would never ever buy from a domestic source, you have no idea how safe they are, if theyre being watched, etc... fuck that!
i think he speaking to the fact that its riskier , much much more risky to buy from a domestic usa source then it is to buy from over seas, which is 100% correct, customs snags your shit and they send you a letter 99% of the time, if the domestic source is being watched, or your shit gets snagged state site domestcally your fucked 99% of the time with a warrent/raid etc... pretty sure that is what he was saying

I know i would never ever buy from a domestic source, you have no idea how safe they are, if theyre being watched, etc... fuck that!

Gotcha, that makes more sense. It is a scary game indeed, I'm just afraid with the international I would be the 1% and get fucked. Just seems like the odds of the pack getting snatched is way higher in itnernational, but like you said if the domestic is being watched tracked you could be fucked hard either way.