MENT steroid guide.

Dean Destructo

New member
by Dean Destructo

MENT or Trestolone
also Trestolone Acetate

Injectable . Possible oral absorption, not recommended.


200-500mg +

Run for 4 weeks or less.

Nolva (Nolva will actually help with the low estrogen sides, it is like adding good estrogen.)
cialis or viagra

Support Supplements:
In order of importance.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin D3

This is a very potent steroid, real world. Not just on paper. You can experience huge gains, fast. 10x more anabolic than testosterone.

I think that says it all. THIS SHIT WILL SHUT YOU DOWN, HARD. This compound is a HIGHLY ANDROGENIC PROGESTIN, it stimulates both the androgen receptors and progesterone receptors, thus facilitating full shut down. No estrogen conversion. It can even cause problems with low estrogen! Such as weakening of bones. MENT can also cause "Deca Dick". I suggest throwing proviron in on a MENT cycle.
MENT is not hepatotoxic. MENT lacks a DHT conversion. It also will not bind to SHBG. That leaves 95% of the MENT unbound and active in the blood. You are looking at a dream steroid, very powerful. With the power though comes the risk. I would not recommend this compound to anyone other than advanced users. Women should never use MENT.

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Just social shared it to my twitterbook lol

Male birth control, lol, yeah says it all for sure brutha
Still haven’t used it but for those who want to here’s a split trestolone overview
Is not as anabolic as they claimed. It’s probably 6x more anabolic. Less estrogen sides if not stacked with test.. 25 to 35 mg ed 50 mg max.. you can actually cut with it if you know how to eat properly, works best in bulking
Although the sides can be tricky to manage, MENT is one that works well for me. Wish it was easier to find because not many places carry it. I got up to using 100mg twice/week, and it was quite effective. I'd use it again if I had the opportunity.