Mike's Gym ?!?!


New member
Is one of the best gym's today. Its not like Gold's Gym, or World Gym where 10 years old kids come to workout. I used to be a Gold's Gym member and couldn't wait to transfer myself to Mikes Gym. They have the best new machines, everything. And among that their gym music owns all gyms around. PowerHouse, and Mike's Gym number one priority for all serious bodybuilders.

Now, I don't want to write another thread about 2 questions that I have..Since, I joined Mikes Gym, I'm working my butt off...now I train 5 days out of 7 which means 2 days to rest..is this too much...every day before tanning I go to the gym and spend at least 1 hour...10 mins cardio, then maybe another 15 mins...to warm up...then serious stuff..I only rest about 15 secs between my each rep..every day I do my biceps, triceps, shoulders, and one day i do my legs..(squats, calves etc..) I've been off of AS for about 2/3 months... I'm 6'0, 205Lbs witg maybe 8% to 10 bodyfat.. My triceps, biceps , chest legs shoulders back everything is fine except one thing "ABS". For some reason I want them to be there but I hate spending alot of time on them...Is there any good advice that you can give me to work on my abs..In this gym..they only have one good machine for abs..and most of the time someone's on it..My body is similar to like todays wrestlers..not Scott Steiner or those guys maybe like Billy Kidman or that guy Chuck Polumbo..they still have that extra fat around their waist and so do I...what I want to acomplish is to have good strong solid abs with very little fat around my stomach..I feel like I'm having a little gut too...so it doesnt match at all. everything is pretty nice except my abs...any info and help would be great...thanks alot !
abs...high reps work best for me.
go to a cable machine with the tricep rope on. get on your knees and put the rope behind your head. arch your back a little bit and do as much weight as you can handle but do at least 15 reps. concentrate on rolling your back like you would a crunch. you'll get great results from this....my favorite.
I get the best burn in my abs when I do crunches with that big beach ball looking thing that's probably in your aerobics room.....you can really get a full stretch on that thing when you work your abs

Also, the "wheel of death" is good as well....you know, the wheel with the handles on either side. Three sets of 25-30 reps should get you nice and sore
Rollouts-Take an e-z bar and put a 5lb weight with a small collar on both sides so the weight can still spin-kneel down and keeping your arms straight like on a stiff arm pull down roll the bar out in front of you till your nose almost touches the floor- contracting your abs roll back up to a kneeling position- repeat 3 x 12
I posted something called "AB BOOT CAMP" in The Edge forum. It's a killer workout!