Mind & Muscle Building Efects. Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Vital in Enhanced Neural Function, Greatly Improves Cognition.


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IGF-1 Lr3 Muscle and Mind Building and Strengthening Effects!

By now many of us know that the main anabolic muscle building effects that come from Human Growth Hormone is the Insulin-like growth factor-1 that is produced by the liver, by way of the HGH stimulating the liver to produce the insulin-like growth factor-1, making HGH a kind of precursor.

Performance driven Athletes of all kinds have for sometime now understood that to maximize muscle as well as maintain muscle and aid in healing over the course of a long season or during training that Insulike-like growth factor-1 is the way to go and more over the more potent and popular form IGF-1 lr3 or insulin-like growth factor-1 Long R3. So the growth promoting effects most people have always associated with Growth Hormone are in reality mediated through IGF-1 which has the properties or characteristics of both Hormone and Growth Factor since it triggers the growth and proliferation of cells.

However it hasnt been until recently that science is starting to back up anecdotal reports on the use of IGF-1 and Improved Cognition, and stronger Neural pathways in Athletes. Many MMA and MLB Players have known this for quite sometime with the rumblings and reports on extreme hand eye coordination improvements, faster response times, and overall improved mental focus due to their use of IGF-1 and mainly the more readily available, longer more potent version IGF-1 lr3. Its particularly important to note that IGF-1 lr3 acts as a Neurotropic factor in the brain, aiding in Neurogenesis (grows new brain cells) and is Neuroprotective (Preservation and survival of exisiting Neurons)

Growth Factor Therapy or (GFT) is the administering of Insulin-like growth factor-1 lr3

  • GFT promotes growth and repair of skeletal muscle
  • Promotes Muscle Hypertrophy
  • Decreases Adipose Tissue by way of its ability to utilize or burn fat for energy
  • Improved Neural Functions, Brain Cognition, Focus, Response times between thought and process

Scientists Now understand that only modicum amounts of HGH can cross the blood brain barrier whereas IGF-1 lr3 crosses this barrier without issue leaving scientists to conclude that it is the IGF-1 alone that is responsible for the Improved cognitive abilities which lead to improved executive function, as well as verbal memory.

In conclusion, for those of you who knew the phsyical benefits of GFT through personal experience but werent quite sure if the added benefits in Brain Function and Cognition were just an anomaly or not, you now know Science has shown your suspicions to be routed in fact and not as unfounded as you might have thought!

IGF-1 Lr3 Mind and Muscle Building
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great article and who said bodybuilders were as dumb as a box of rocks!