miss my old gym


New member
poped in to my old gym last week and forgot how huge every one is in there...there is a good 6 guys that compete and a hell of alot more on the old T..its got all the old skool stuff with no space to move and more free weights than is needed.i really should go back..great guys great atmosphere.u know the sort of place with local guys on the walls with there first place medal and a shit load of other guys that came to train there..no need to name drop..and no gym rat asking do u use AAS..:finger:
Yeah been there for about 1 year..they was doing a cheap opening offer..no real reason to leave..fit girls some good guys..but just miss the old shit hole is all..
I love old school gym equipment.

Hell Yeah!!! Nothing like some good ol' Hammer Strength Machines and shit. Walk in and all you smell is sweat and iron mixed with a shit ton of determination and attitude!!!

Fuck Yeah!!!