Loch Ness

New member
What do you suggest if pellests fragments are sticking to the side of the vial
while it is in the hot water bath? Should I try to manipulate them into the
solution vial swirling?
If you haven't put the solution through the coffee filter yet, then yes, just swirl it all around. The coffee filter will take care of it. Make sure the fluid is good and warm, almost hot, so that the good stuff flows throught the coffee filter. Did I understand your situation right?
I place the vial between both palms and roll it back and forth. Almost like trying to warm your hands durring the winter. It produces a swirling motion the mixes it pretty good.
One last question, after I get everything done, how much tren will I have?
I used the 4g kit. If I want to go 100mg/eod approx. how long should this last?
Sorry for the stupid ques.
Well, most kits are made to produce 75mg/ml solution, so you should have about 50ml total when you're done. If you end up with less just divide the amount of tren you put in (4000mg) by the total ml you have in the end.
If you were injecting 1ml EOD, 50ml would last you 100 days.....