MMA Twitter Reacts to Dana White’s Media Scrum on Wife Altercation

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MMA Twitter has reacted after UFC President Dana White made a surprise media appearance to once again address and answer questions on the altercation with his wife.
On New Year’s Eve, White was caught striking his wife at least once during a physical confrontation at a nightclub in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Soon after, footage of the incident, alongside a statement from the UFC chief, emerged via TMZ.
In the days since, White’s actions have remained a major talking point, with many calling out the promotion and its owner Endeavor for its silence, as well as discussing what punishment should await the 53-year-old.
During UFC Vegas 67 media day on Wednesday, those querying consequences seemingly received clarification. As well as dismissing those who’ve attempted to defend him in the aftermath, White named his punishment.

With significant time passing without any official statements from the UFC or Endeavor, many feared that White would escape without punishment for the incident — something his media scrum appeared to confirm.

Unsurprisingly, a host of opinions emerged on social media following White’s surprise presser, with fighters, fans, and pundits reacting to the UFC president’s latest remarks.
One of the main talking points surrounded White’s take on his ‘punishment’, which saw him suggest that the consequence for his action is “that I did it,” and the label and loss of respect that comes with it.
Former UFC fighters Al Iaquinta and Ramsey Nijem both faced suspensions during their time in the promotion. The pair took to Twitter to mock White’s apparent punishment by suggesting they should have faced the same consequence, or lack thereof.

When I was suspended from winning bonuses for 3 fights for cursing at the crowd and wrecking a hotel room, I think the better punishment would have been to be known as a crowd cursing hotel wrecker ? @danawhite— Al Iaquinta? (@ALIAQUINTA) January 12, 2023

Many fans responded by analyzing the sincerity of White’s words, with some coming to a damning assessment of his lack of “ownership” for the incident.

Nope!!! No ownership. He still can’t say I hit my wife and it’s not ok to hit women. Reputation this, reputation that. Y’all think this garbage is sincere?— LuvsDaLoop ? (@meatloafgrrr) January 12, 2023

As was the case in many corners of the community, many gave their take on White’s self-assessment of his punishment, with some fans suggesting that any fighter caught on camera doing the same thing would have been instantly cut.

i like how he admits hitting his wife was an indefensible act, but as ceo treats himself above punishment and just stays on top of the pyramid; you know damn well a fighter would be dropped if some shit like this came out lmao— thomas (@Kalpek_) January 12, 2023

Dana is full of shit. Any fighter gets caught raising their hand to their partner and they're cut. Walking around with it is an easy way out, society will forget about it in a years time. Punishment would be you lose your job just like your fighters would have.— Jamie K. Throup (@jamiethroup) January 12, 2023

Consequences for Thee, no consequences for Me, I'm Special Expel UFC fighter who hit women. UFC boss Dana White Rules.Dana hits his wife.I'm above consequences, my ego will suffer, no other consequences for me for hitting my wife. Dana White— Pete Quily (@pqpolitics) January 11, 2023

With that in mind, a few Twitter users pointed out that White has set an incredibly dangerous precedent for fighters regarding the consequences for domestic violence.

This is a slippery slope he created. Next fighter that (I hope it doesn’t happen but the bar is so low for the community) puts their hands on a woman, he’s set a ugly precedent.— Ken Dixon (@KenDixonIII) January 12, 2023

The question for Dana White / ESPN / Endeavor etc is the following– If a fighter slaps their spouse (on or off camera) is the fact that they 'have to live with it' consequence enough for them too? Is that the new corporate policy?— Erik Magraken (@erikmagraken) January 11, 2023

In the same vein, many dismissed White’s explanation for continuing his role as UFC president, a position that the California Legislative Women’s Caucus called for him to be removed from in a letter to Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel.
Some fans and media members branded the suggestion that White leaving the promotion would damage it and punish the fighters as an outright lie.

Dana White has been telling us for like a decade that he’s built the UFC up to the point where it’s a well-oiled machine that can go on without him but today he was like “Woah woah woah if I’m not here to keep running things, things are gonna go downhill quick” ?????— TevTalksMMA (@TevTalksMMA) January 11, 2023

What does Dana White do that makes him “irreplaceable” to the UFC? He doesn’t match make, he doesn’t look for new talent and he doesn’t create relationships with the fighters. He could leave tomorrow and the UFC would go on like nothing happened.— cold stone steve austin (@galleiooo) January 12, 2023

However, White did receive credit from some reporters and fans. As well as many respecting him for making the media day appearance, some praised the UFC president for ‘owning’ the incident and ‘paying the price’.

And that's a wrap on Dana. I give him a lot of credit for facing us— Amy Kaplan (@PhotoAmy33) January 11, 2023

Even Dana was shocked that people were defending him. Gotta say he has owned this head on and I’m not a Dana fan at all. I’ve heard fake apologies and excuses in the past from many people. This is how to hold yourself accountable and accept blame/shame— Tyler (@TBScoutingMMA) January 11, 2023

What was your reaction to Dana White’s comments during the media scrum?

MMA Twitter has reacted after UFC President Dana White made a surprise media appearance to once again address and answer questions on the altercation with his wife.

On New Year’s Eve, White was caught striking his wife at least once during a physical confrontation at a nightclub in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Soon after, footage of the incident, alongside a statement from the UFC chief, emerged via TMZ.

In the days since, White’s actions have remained a major talking point, with many calling out the promotion and its owner Endeavor for its silence, as well as discussing what punishment should await the 53-year-old.

During UFC Vegas 67 media day on Wednesday, those querying consequences seemingly received clarification. As well as dismissing those who’ve attempted to defend him in the aftermath, White named his punishment.

With significant time passing without any official statements from the UFC or Endeavor, many feared that White would escape without punishment for the incident — something his media scrum appeared to confirm.

Unsurprisingly, a host of opinions emerged on social media following White’s surprise presser, with fighters, fans, and pundits reacting to the UFC president’s latest remarks.

One of the main talking points surrounded White’s take on his ‘punishment’, which saw him suggest that the consequence for his action is “that I did it,” and the label and loss of respect that comes with it.

Former UFC fighters Al Iaquinta and Ramsey Nijem both faced suspensions during their time in the promotion. The pair took to Twitter to mock White’s apparent punishment by suggesting they should have faced the same consequence, or lack thereof.

When I was suspended from winning bonuses for 3 fights for cursing at the crowd and wrecking a hotel room, I think the better punishment would have been to be known as a crowd cursing hotel wrecker ? @danawhite

— Al Iaquinta? (@ALIAQUINTA) January 12, 2023[/quote]

Many fans responded by analyzing the sincerity of White’s words, with some coming to a damning assessment of his lack of “ownership” for the incident.

Nope!!! No ownership. He still can’t say I hit my wife and it’s not ok to hit women. Reputation this, reputation that. Y’all think this garbage is sincere?

— LuvsDaLoop ? (@meatloafgrrr) January 12, 2023[/quote]

As was the case in many corners of the community, many gave their take on White’s self-assessment of his punishment, with some fans suggesting that any fighter caught on camera doing the same thing would have been instantly cut.

i like how he admits hitting his wife was an indefensible act, but as ceo treats himself above punishment and just stays on top of the pyramid; you know damn well a fighter would be dropped if some shit like this came out lmao

— thomas (@Kalpek_) January 12, 2023[/quote]

Dana is full of shit. Any fighter gets caught raising their hand to their partner and they're cut. Walking around with it is an easy way out, society will forget about it in a years time. Punishment would be you lose your job just like your fighters would have.

— Jamie K. Throup (@jamiethroup) January 12, 2023[/quote]

Consequences for Thee, no consequences for Me, I'm Special

Expel UFC fighter who hit women. UFC boss Dana White Rules.

Dana hits his wife.

I'm above consequences, my ego will suffer, no other consequences for me for hitting my wife. Dana White

— Pete Quily (@pqpolitics) January 11, 2023[/quote]

With that in mind, a few Twitter users pointed out that White has set an incredibly dangerous precedent for fighters regarding the consequences for domestic violence.

This is a slippery slope he created. Next fighter that (I hope it doesn’t happen but the bar is so low for the community) puts their hands on a woman, he’s set a ugly precedent.

— Ken Dixon (@KenDixonIII) January 12, 2023[/quote]

The question for Dana White / ESPN / Endeavor etc is the following

– If a fighter slaps their spouse (on or off camera) is the fact that they 'have to live with it' consequence enough for them too? Is that the new corporate policy?

— Erik Magraken (@erikmagraken) January 11, 2023[/quote]

In the same vein, many dismissed White’s explanation for continuing his role as UFC president, a position that the California Legislative Women’s Caucus called for him to be removed from in a letter to Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel.

Some fans and media members branded the suggestion that White leaving the promotion would damage it and punish the fighters as an outright lie.

Dana White has been telling us for like a decade that he’s built the UFC up to the point where it’s a well-oiled machine that can go on without him but today he was like “Woah woah woah if I’m not here to keep running things, things are gonna go downhill quick” ?????

— TevTalksMMA (@TevTalksMMA) January 11, 2023[/quote]

What does Dana White do that makes him “irreplaceable” to the UFC? He doesn’t match make, he doesn’t look for new talent and he doesn’t create relationships with the fighters. He could leave tomorrow and the UFC would go on like nothing happened.

— cold stone steve austin (@galleiooo) January 12, 2023[/quote]

However, White did receive credit from some reporters and fans. As well as many respecting him for making the media day appearance, some praised the UFC president for ‘owning’ the incident and ‘paying the price’.

And that's a wrap on Dana. I give him a lot of credit for facing us

— Amy Kaplan (@PhotoAmy33) January 11, 2023[/quote]

Even Dana was shocked that people were defending him. Gotta say he has owned this head on and I’m not a Dana fan at all. I’ve heard fake apologies and excuses in the past from many people. This is how to hold yourself accountable and accept blame/shame

— Tyler (@TBScoutingMMA) January 11, 2023[/quote]

What was your reaction to Dana White’s comments during the media scrum?

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