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Well, that explains why you are in a hotel room and have a slow connection. lol I didn't know what the hell you meant until I just saw this post! I even thought to myself, " he lives in a hotel room?"

Your better half is looking very sharp. I expect that she will do very well. As soon as you can, let us know how it all went down. I mean, right after you tap that..... oh, forget it. :D

Simply gorgeous! You sure got reason to be proud Presser
not as well as I would have liked of course, but I placed 3rd in the open light weight. Presser posted about it earlier but he deleted it. I'm still learning about competing so I'm gonna keep working at this!! glad you all liked the pics. I'm damn proud of my abs. When I touch them I can't believe they are mine!! LOL! I love it!!
yeah sorry i deleted the thread where i anounced her placing and me ripping the judges for their bullshit of playing favorites, we were robbed of atleast second,it was so bad that this sanction will have a blackeye for a long time with all the people who witnessed the show, anyhow sorry i deleted the thread but i was pissed and now im over it,
you looked amazing SF. Absolutely fantastic job on the abs. I can't picture two girls placing ahead of you. Keep at it.
Damn-I went to a show last Sat. There were not very many women in it at all. You would have kicked a lot of ass. Of Course it was in CO.
Great job-The pics look great-tight abs-Hope you enjoyed an after-show eat-a-thon!

eat-a-thon...well not really...I'm doing another show this sat the 10th. LOL!! This is so much fun!!!
Lots of hard work there, looking good. Those are some of the best abs I've seen on a lady.