Motivational Stories

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What motivates you to keep pushing the iron? For me it has been the increased confidence in how I look and feel. Even on days when I don't want to go to the gym, I remember that and my goal, and it pushes me to crank out my workout.
when I was racing it was easier, I used to just think to myself,
"It's raining out but my competition is out training in the rain."
"I'm tired. But my competition trains when they're tired."
"I lifted heavy yesterday, I'll take it easy today... my competition doesn't take it easy."
you get the idea...

now-a-days it's been a bit harder since I don't race much anymore but I've been just trying to look good and stay fit and I know that my belly isn't going to come off by itself and my arms aren't going to get any bigger from typing at the computer so I've been making time and training as much as I can. I've got some supps coming in this week and that always pushes me to train harder and stay on target.
At this point it is just what I do. I like looking and feeling fit/good. I'll be 50 at
the end of this year and what most guys my age look like is pretty bad. Thinking
about it honestly I would have to say it is also for the women. The old broads are
easily impressed. Started lifting at 16 so I would have to say its just part of my life
now. One of the tools I used to use to get to the gym is to think about how good I
would feel walking out of the gym after the workout. Now I think how pissed I'll be
if I miss.
I wanna be as big as i can be thats really all there is to it to me. Lifting is a passion of mine now i really didnt get into until i was around 18 or so. I played baseball for 13 years and it was my love and life. Had a division 1 scholarship to missouri state and tore my subscap off my bone and partially tore my bicep hence the reason its fully torn now. I got to the point where it just hurt to bad to do anything i would have to lay in bed all day just to be able to play that night. So i said goodbye to that dream and got it fixed couldnt throw the same afterwards so that was over. Now my dream is to be as big as i can be stay healthy. I have to have something in life im passionate about, and body building has been a great substitute after baseball.
My pops died when I was a fat ass 17 year old. He suffered from heart, lung, and kidney failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a whole boat load of other things. It all stemmed from heredity and a poor diet. I decided to get into shape after that and it just got addicting. Nowadays, I get off from gettin bigger and stronger every damn week. I'm addicted! I just want to get big as fuck!
my inspiration is to perfect the body god started for me.

I think he left work early that day. Good thing this is a lifelong sport
what motivated me to start pumping iron again was i found a box when i was cleaning out my storage.. this box was from my high school days had letters from the colleges that wanted me to play for there schools .... it also had news clippings and a video sort of a highlight of my highschool games ..... then there was a picture of me working out with my friends and i remembered how happy and confident i was in those days... then on the bottom was the school article where i tore my acl in half and mcl and it said in the article that not many players have recovered from this injury to continue playing .....and then where the letters of the same schools retracting offers and saying i could try to walk on ....i couldnt afford any of these schools .... thats when the fire turned on again the same articles and the same letters that seemed too exstiguised this fire caused it to burn again...i realized how far i let my self slip and it was like throwing logs on the fire ......instead of looking in mirror and seeing that happy and confident kid ...i saw a fat muther fucker that just gave up ...... i need to put a helmet and pads on one more time, i need to feel the grass, i need to hear my name announced... i need to prove to myself most of all that its not over... that this inferno burning inside me is not going to die ...... i will play again .....thats what motivates me ... i know the odds are against me and this what drives me ...that box is what makes me remember...
2fastnova said:
what motivated me to start pumping iron again was i found a box when i was cleaning out my storage.. this box was from my high school days had letters from the colleges that wanted me to play for there schools .... it also had news clippings and a video sort of a highlight of my highschool games ..... then there was a picture of me working out with my friends and i remembered how happy and confident i was in those days... then on the bottom was the school article where i tore my acl in half and mcl and it said in the article that not many players have recovered from this injury to continue playing .....and then where the letters of the same schools retracting offers and saying i could try to walk on ....i couldnt afford any of these schools .... thats when the fire turned on again the same articles and the same letters that seemed too exstiguised this fire caused it to burn again...i realized how far i let my self slip and it was like throwing logs on the fire ......instead of looking in mirror and seeing that happy and confident kid ...i saw a fat muther fucker that just gave up ...... i need to put a helmet and pads on one more time, i need to feel the grass, i need to hear my name announced... i need to prove to myself most of all that its not over... that this inferno burning inside me is not going to die ...... i will play again .....thats what motivates me ... i know the odds are against me and this what drives me ...that box is what makes me remember...

Awesome brother, hell man I bet that is motivating, this post just motivated me that's for sure. good luck and god speed.
yeah im sure that was motivating bro close to my motivation but different sport lol. good luck bro keep up the hard work and you can do anything you want.
im sure there alot of people who used to play sports had to quit due to an injury ...but i have dreams about playing again a couple times a week for the past ten years... so i figure its a sign or maybe its my self conscious telling me not to give up just yet..
yeah that's great 2fastnova, that pumped me up, for me it's football and wrestling and never wanting to back to my earlier days of being fat and lazy bum
I used to be a fat kid but during high school i got motivated to get in shape because i was tired of being fat. In 03 i wanted to compete in the teenage competition i got really close to making it I was 18, 200 lbs, 8%BF everything was going well but then my lower back got injured so i had a discectomy on my L5 S1 and since 04 I have gained 50 lbs of pure ugly fat i am about 250 lbs now.

I have a lot of desire to be in shape again but i still suffer from chronic back pain, but for the first time in years i have went to the gym for 1 week, i really hope to continue working out and getting back in shape.

thank you everyone for your motivational posts