Movie. Hatfied and the McCoys, it was a really good made for tv movie


Staff member
Well i have to say i enjoyed it and if u can catch it its worth watching! Bill paxon and the Head Famili McCoy and Kevin Costner as Head of the Hatfields and i thoroughly enjoyed it part one which was 2 hours long.

2 more parts to this mine series, and two thumbs up from me!

its on th History channel if interested
Damn I was about to start a thread about this!!! I love westerns, especially with Kevin Costner. It's recording now, I plan on watching it in th morning while I do cardio!
Tonight, it's on rt now, I'm sure they will replay it again, chx ur schedule and record it
Anyone know when part 2 is? Not sure if its on tonight or a week from last nights part 1??
Ok I just found Part 2.

Part 1 is playing again tonight at 7pm est on the History channel

Part 2 is playing tonight at 9pm est on the history channel

So if you didnt see part 1 then you can watch it tonight then directly follwed by part 2 which is awsome to be able to watch them back to back!

Its really really good guys!
Try having that shit in your history classes growing up

Lmao.. Hey I saw the Pickers in Wv buying some hatfield McCoy stuff and rippin off the old lady that ran the store the hatfields shopped at. The area looks just like where I grew up in Washington but we had california hippies growing their rag weed Up there and shootin each other..
We've got a horrible rep, but most of it isn't true. They tend to only show the bad side of this state