Movie Review: American Sniper

I saw it last night. It was AMAZING. Worth going to the theatre to see. It really shows the toll war takes on our soldiers. It really is a great movie.
Saw it today. It was very good. The theater was packed. Never been to a movie where there was so many patrons.
i have a feeling this is going to open a lot of Americans' eyes. That area of the world is shit.
I see a lot of assholes condemning the movie and military as a whole over this movie, I just don't understand what people are thinking and if they even realize the reason they are able to spout off their garbage is due to the freedoms are military grants us through keeping us safe. I just don't get it
I see a lot of assholes condemning the movie and military as a whole over this movie, I just don't understand what people are thinking and if they even realize the reason they are able to spout off their garbage is due to the freedoms are military grants us through keeping us safe. I just don't get it
I see a lot of liberals are dishing this, wish they all would just leave and live on their little island somewhere. I'm ex Navy and certainly didnt do it for any kudos but people like Chris put thier lives on the line to protect all this freedom we take for granted. He is a hero many times over
Just an exceptional movie- theater was packed.
I just don't get where libs get off saying snipers are cowards.
They save peoples lives- they say the lives of their own, they keep the US safe.
My father and grandfather both served in the military and I find it very offensive these idiots are talking out of their ass.
Carlos Hathcock said that for every bad guy he could take out-that was 10 American lives that he was saving

Shithead libs will talk shit but enjoy the freedom

- - - Updated - - -

everyone says this is one of Clint Eastwood's best movies
Our giant movie theater in town with balconies has been sold out constantly, people cant get tickets quick enough. Havent been able to see it yet, but want to have heard nothing but amazing things about it.
The people condemning the movie probably have not seen it. I am prior 82nd Airborne, and VERY pro military. I still have MANY friends that serve today. I thought the movie did an amazing job showing the pro military side and did a fantastic job showing the down sides to war and the problems it causes for those who fight it. Heck almost to the point of being an ANTI WAR MOVIE. Seriously it was that great.
Havent been able to see it yet. Will monday. Went this week and it was slammed sold out. I was so upset lol. Navy Veteran here, I dont get these dumb asses around talkin shit all the time. I have jist learned to ignore them to a certain extent.