Ms. Figure International Video Arnold Classic 2015.


Staff member
[h=1]Figure Awards - Arnold Classic 2015 / Ms. Figure International[/h]

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the girls that they call figure should be women's bodybuilding-does that category exist anymore

the women bodybuilders took it too far and got all nasty
the girls that they call figure should be women's bodybuilding-does that category exist anymore

the women bodybuilders took it too far and got all nasty

nah man, you don't see many female bodybuilders anymore, hell you don't see many Mens bodybuilders competing at the local level anymore, I looked at a show from february, i forget what show it was but the bodybuilders were out numbered by mens physique at an easy 10 or 15 to 1 , and thats NO bullshit exaggeration!

I was shocked, and on top of that, the Mens Physique winner looked ten times better than the mens overall bodybuilding winner, it blew my mind, so I took upon myself to look up a few other shows around the country last month and it was pretty much the same across the board! And this is fine by me as long as Mens Physique winners look like Frank Ortgega, than i am ok with Mens Physique!

Never thought i would say that, but some of the top pro Mens physique guys look good and you can tell they work their asses off in the gym and use strides as well,

And the mens bodybuilding competitors looked like they weren't taking this shit serious, they were bloated and God Awful looking!

So if Mens Physique Judging starts holding the competitors to a higher standard of muscle kind of like The European bodybuilding look then I'm good with it

But what i can NOT get behind is guys who are skinny, shredded and look like they haven't stepped foot in the gym, anyone can be skinny and shredded, big fucking deal!