Muscle Milk


New member
I just tried some Rtd of muscle milk. This shit sucks!!! I took it when I was leavin the gym and 20 mins later on the way home I almost shit my pants. I had to pull over and use a gas station NEVER AGAIN!!!

Seriously, why do you keep drinking that RTD shit. I've heard at least a couple people tell you how shitty that stuff is. No matter what it is, RTD sucks.

You had better get some pepto is ya too
FYI to all I ran it by top level competitor and ifbb pro Colette Nelson. I asked her the thoughts on rtd protein and she replied that a very good friend of her's dexter jackson uses 4 metrx rtd shakes a day when getting ready for a show. I guess if dexter uses them that much there must be a truth to how well of protein they are. After we all all still amatuers here they are the pros.
I wonder if Dexter Jackson is paid to promote the use of METRX. Also, who the hell does a show everyday???
sounds like some shit I used to drink after working out - I think it was called
Amino Force or something like that. The gym I was at sold it. Had a lot of protien
so I kept drinking it. I swear by the time I got home I'd blow my insides out. Very
explosive. I kind of liked it for its cleaning out properties. brought my nephew with
me to work out once - he was about 18 and I bought him one when we were done.
Kid shit his pants before we made it home. I still laugh when I think about it.
I read in Planet Muscle Magazine that RTDs are worthless.The company has to put the shake thru intense heat that it renders the protein useless.
yeah i used to waste my money on that shit all the time when id leave the gym i just bring 80g's in my shaker with me and down it as soon as im done workin out.
Well I gotta say that many of my buddies, one an IFBB pro and others on there way to there card< have lived almost exclusively on Meal replacements and RTD's. I myself due to recent tragedy in my family dont have time to cook and have been living on muscle milk and Natures best zero carb RTD. I dont have time to hit the gym so heavy lifting is gone for me at least for another year........I work out 30 minutes on a total gym--------Yeah you heard right------ I have too........I need to be with my uncle 24/7 due to the brain aneurism that led to a stroke..............anyway......The use of probiotic supplements, speciffically Multidophillus 12, Make sure you absorb and utilize every nutrient to you greatest potential and in about a week or two.........NO GAS, runs or shits. The reason gas occurs is due to the fact that your gut isnt metabolizing what you ingest.

Foods nowadays are bleached, processed and heated to kill bacteria...........well guess what............Nature intened for us to eat bacteria.

My findings taught me that before the refrigerator existed people had 70% good bacteria to 30% bad.

Todays lifestyle has lead us with quite the opposite. Our guts contain 30% good bacteria and 70% bad...........This leads to a parasitic enviroment in our guts.........Yes Parasites are living off of the junk food you eat because they dominate the cultural formation in the gut..........This is whats leading to all of todays or I should say MOST of todays illnesses.

Have you noticed that just about everyone needs an anti-depresive, anti-acid and sleep aid? Not to mention the sudden rise in fatigue in even those who "Think" they eat well.

Bottom line is..........Load up on probiotics use good brands such as solaray, natures best, twinlab etc. research............and remeber you can never ingest too much.

Sorry if I got off the subject but it's the FDA creating A food that requires a drug. They need too be two seperate entities and until the corruption ends me , you and our children will be in americas drug house.
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Cyphon said:
Well I gotta say that many of my buddies, one an IFBB pro and others on there way to there card< have lived almost exclusively on Meal replacements and RTD's. I myself due to recent tragedy in my family dont have time to cook and have been living on muscle milk and Natures best zero carb RTD. I dont have time to hit the gym so heavy lifting is gone for me at least for another year........I work out 30 minutes on a total gym--------Yeah you heard right------ I have too........I need to be with my uncle 24/7 due to the brain aneurism that led to a stroke..............anyway......The use of probiotic supplements, speciffically Multidophillus 12, Make sure you absorb and utilize every nutrient to you greatest potential and in about a week or two.........NO GAS, runs or shits. The reason gas occurs is due to the fact that your gut isnt metabolizing what you ingest.

Foods nowadays are bleached, processed and heated to kill bacteria...........well guess what............Nature intened for us to eat bacteria.

My findings taught me that before the refrigerator existed people had 70% good bacteria to 30% bad.

Todays lifestyle has lead us with quite the opposite. Our guts contain 30% good bacteria and 70% bad...........This leads to a parasitic enviroment in our guts.........Yes Parasites are living off of the junk food you eat because they dominate the cultural formation in the gut..........This is whats leading to all of todays or I should say MOST of todays illnesses.

Have you noticed that just about everyone needs an anti-depresive, anti-acid and sleep aid? Not to mention the sudden rise in fatigue in even those who "Think" they eat well.

Bottom line is..........Load up on probiotics use good brands such as solaray, natures best, twinlab etc. research............and remeber you can never ingest too much.

Sorry if I got off the subject but it's the FDA creating A food that requires a drug. They need too be two seperate entities and until the corruption ends me , you and our children will be in americas drug house.
im sorry to hear that cyphon thats horrible sorry i didnt mean to edit your post i didnt change anything i clicked on edit instead of quote lol be there for your uncle bro hopeing for the best brotha.
Thanks guys about my uncle.

Back to the post. Allergic reactions are always a possibility.......something added in the processing possibly............who knows.
I spoke to a good friend today. He explained that the reason that you pass gas and dookie out the protein so quicly is because of the cheaper types of protein. When this happens it is a sign of higher lactose concentration in the protein. these companies sometimes use a milk protein to cut the amount of ion exchange protein they have to use because of the price. So when you feel bloated or gasy this is because your protein is high in lactose. Also never use milk to mix with your shake.
funny this thread cam up, just bought some muscle milk cookies and cream, yuck!
what??? what do you mean yuck? throw some ice and milk into that blender and it will taste just like a milk shake.