MuscleChemistry NEEDS 2-4 New Site Representatives AKA Moderators!


Staff member
We are looking for a couple New Site Reps to add to our Site to replace a couple Guys who dont have the time now due to life issues.

So if you are active on here daily and can contribute to the community daily for the most part then please pm me!

Their is also Store Credit Compensation for Site Reps after a short Trial bases.

I need guys who want to be part of Team MuscleChemistry for many years to come! Guys who want to grow with this community as well as help the community grow. Last but certainly not least, I want guys who will take pride in the fact that they are a MuscleChemistry Site Representative.


Important: If you applied before and did not get in, please feel free to apply again!
Fck, I'm just glad i can actually log on and and contirbute again. had some personnal issues that were really fckn wit me. Just glad I got second chance.....
Fck, I'm just glad i can actually log on and and contirbute again. had some personnal issues that were really fckn wit me. Just glad I got second chance.....

I'm Gald you got a second chance bro.. So start posting more bro.. lol
Fck, I'm just glad i can actually log on and and contirbute again. had some personnal issues that were really fckn wit me. Just glad I got second chance.....

Happy to have ya back daddio! Shit happens ya know.
I will reply to everyone later after my movie, "Battle LA" I hope its atleast decent, im a big Alien movie fan , so we'll see
ox 51 and lightsout have been added as Site Reps HOWEVER WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR 1-2 MORE SITE REPS!
Congrats to Ox 51 and Lightsout!

I'd love to do it again Press, but let me see how things go for the next week or two and I'll let you know. I'm all about contributing, and now that I'm divorced AGAIN (long story), I've got all the time in the world.
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