MuscleChemistrys $250 Body Weight Bench Press Competition!

Hi, Great idea and a little pre Christmas fun to be had. Can i enter? only asking cos i'm down in New Zealand, can't say id win, but if i did how would i get that cash? mind you i'd do it just for the new t shirt
Hi, Great idea and a little pre Christmas fun to be had. Can i enter? only asking cos i'm down in New Zealand, can't say id win, but if i did how would i get that cash? mind you i'd do it just for the new t shirt

yeah, we will figure something out for you.
Hi, Great idea and a little pre Christmas fun to be had. Can i enter? only asking cos i'm down in New Zealand, can't say id win, but if i did how would i get that cash? mind you i'd do it just for the new t shirt

we would mail you a money order bro like we would do if the person who wins is state side, so it doesnt matter, just a few extra stamps
is this still a go?

to be honest I think I got a really good chance to win even if a shitload of guys submit, but I also feel like a bigtime fuckin fag having a video taken of myself in the gym to be honest. I see guys doing it from time to time and I think its messed up, I mean how self important do u need to be to think people give a shit to see u on utube or whatever. But for 2 fidy if it is still a GO for sure, I'll talk my honey into taping me on Tuesday at the gym...near closing time...:(
my mom told me if a dude uses the term "to be honest" more than once in a conversation, be very wary. I just reread my post above, WTF?
to be honest I think I got a really good chance to win even if a shitload of guys submit, but I also feel like a bigtime fuckin fag having a video taken of myself in the gym to be honest. I see guys doing it from time to time and I think its messed up, I mean how self important do u need to be to think people give a shit to see u on utube or whatever. But for 2 fidy if it is still a GO for sure, I'll talk my honey into taping me on Tuesday at the gym...near closing time...:(

I felt weird being videoed too, but cameras are so small now, I don't even know if anyone noticed. We went on the weekend when it wasn't too crowded at the gym and I was prepared to tell anyone who asked that it was just for a contest I was entering.

And, to be honest (haha), you could beat my number pretty easily, so jump in.
to be honest I think I got a really good chance to win even if a shitload of guys submit, but I also feel like a bigtime fuckin fag having a video taken of myself in the gym to be honest. I see guys doing it from time to time and I think its messed up, I mean how self important do u need to be to think people give a shit to see u on utube or whatever. But for 2 fidy if it is still a GO for sure, I'll talk my honey into taping me on Tuesday at the gym...near closing time...:(

This is pretty funny...