MUTANT at FIBO With Shaun Clarida, Andrea Shaw

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MUTANT at FIBO With Shaun Clarida, Andrea Shaw

Classic Shawn
10 Questions With Shawn Ray
Sponsored by MUTANT

1. Last month, you mentioned traveling to Germany where you appeared at a huge expo
for MUTANT. Where any other big names there?

Yes, last month we kicked off our global support of the fitness industry at FIBO in Köln, Germany where we had a sponsor booth. I was joined by our company CEO Jim McMahon, two-time 212 Olympia winner Shaun Clarida and three-time Ms. Olympia Andrea Shaw, both sponsored athletes along with the MUTANTS! Four days of craziness and promotions with superstar athletes and leading industry equipment companies, supplement brands and even an NPC worldwide pro qualifier contest!

2. What’s your take on the beef with some podcasters pushing back on each other arguing about this athlete or that coach? You used to be very visible and present in these types of discussions but not so much as of late. What gives?

Funny you mention that, because everyone knows I love a good argument when it comes to the discussion of bodybuilding and protocols. I’ve been sitting back watching guys fight over opinions about contest placings, posing, advice and what they think is best for the sport and so on, with amusement. I think time and wisdom has taught me not to argue with people seeking attention and not resolution. Many social media experts offer their suggestions and opinions from the comfort of their homes and don’t ever attend or promote shows. I have chosen to engage in conversation with people who can affect real change instead of provoking arguments for the sake of views, likes or follows. I’ve chosen to no longer give these people a platform or my attention unless they stand for being a part of the solution and not the problem. I heard a quote by Denzel Washington who stated, “Great minds discuss ideas, small minds discuss other people.”

3. We see you posting a ton on social media promoting your hugely successful show in Hawaii coming this November 18th, and now you have three Olympia qualifiers added. What’s more exciting for you, promoting or competing?

Naturally, I enjoyed the challenges of competing for 20 years of my life to put me in this position of promoting; however, I really enjoy giving a platform for others to experience the joy and enrichment that competing brought to my life. Promoting from my perspective allows more creativity to give back, help others and build a legacy that hundreds or thousands of athletes can share with me. Bodybuilding for me was personal satisfaction, but promoting is a global reward that affects all kinds of like-minded athletes fulfilling their dreams through my promotions.

4. You were quoted as saying, “I don’t train anymore, I exercise.” Can you clarify a bit more?

Yeah, I trained for 40 years of my 57 years on earth. That said, only 20 years were spent competing; the remaining years were spent training and working out during my 20-plus years in retirement. I’ve consciously decided to exercise as a way of staying healthy yet injury free. I no longer work out to build my body up but rather exercise to keep my body functional. I no longer place a premium on how I look but rather focus on how I feel. That is to say, how I feel at my age is more important to me personally than how I look in the mirror or to others. Knock on wood, I’ve never been seriously injured and the last thing I need in retirement is a hip replacement, knee surgery, nerve damage, rotator cuff surgery, back surgery or any health-related issues including a torn muscle at this stage of my life. How can I avoid all of the above? Stop training! Training to me is breaking the body down in order to build and repair the muscles. Been there, done that! I prefer to focus on cardio, stretching, flexibility and overall maintenance. I enjoy eating all kinds of food, so I have to continue a level of fitness to offset calorie consumption. I’m content with what I achieved physically and now I have to continue to remind myself that I have a 40-year-old daughter, two teenage daughters and three grandkids I want to enjoy, so it’s time for me to train smarter not harder!

5. Bodybuilding has taken you all over the world. What’s one of the more memorable places you’ve visited?

Well, that’s true, bodybuilding is global and far reaching for a top athlete who loves what they do. I really do have a passion for the sport and recognize the far-reaching passion and development of others around the world who follow and support my work. It’s been my pleasure visiting all the countries, making friends, and sharing the vision of Joe and Ben Weider’s passion for education through the health and fitness lifestyle. One of the standout trips I really enjoyed was visiting Egypt a couple of years ago and seeing the Pyramids in person with my longtime buddies, legend Chris Cormier and Lionel Rangel, my old training partner from way back in 1985 as a teenager!

6. It’s really cool to see your products on the shelves at nutrition stores, especially your pre-workout, ALL-IN, a personal favorite of mine. Where can we see more product distribution?

Thank you, we’ve had tremendous response to our ALL-IN Shawn Ray Signature Pre-workout! You can purchase at Nutrition Discount stores in Hawaii, California, and Nevada; 619 Muscle in San Diego, California; Hidetada and Iris Kyle’s Powerhouse Gym in Las Vegas; Popeye’s in Canada and very easily online using my special Discount Code and save at

7. What’s up with ISO SURGE™?

MUTANT’s ISO SURGE™ is officially in corporate Gold’s Gym, in both Vanilla and Chocolate!

• Pure whey protein isolate
• 100% gourmet taste
• 25 grams of protein
• Low-carb and low-fat
• No amino spiking
• No hidden ingredients
• Lab-tested
• Digestive enzyme-boosted

8. Where to next for Sugar Shawn Ray on your 2023 World Tour?

I’ll be everywhere!

April 22: Santa Clara, CA
EVO Sports Expo

April 23: Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Pro/Am

May 12-13: Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh Pro/Am

May 19-21: Teaneck, NJ
New York Pro

May 27: Anaheim, CA
Mr. California

June 2-5th: Honolulu, HI
Ikaika Classic

June 8-11: Montego Bay, Jamaica

June 17: NPC West Coast Classic
Riverside, CA

June 23-25: Rancho Mirage, CA
West Coast Pro Masters

July 28-29: Las Vegas, NV

August 5-6: The Fit Expo, CA
Anaheim Convention Center

September 29-30: Daytona Pro/Am
Daytona Beach, FL

October 7-8: Reno, NV
Reno Pro/Am

October 19-23: Zurich, Switzerland
Swizz Grand Prix

November 1-6: Orlando, FL
Mr. Olympia

November 10-12: Las Vegas, NV
NPC Steve Karr Classic

November 14-20: Honolulu, HI
Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic

November 23-27: Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Dubai Muscle Show

December 9: Irving, TX
NPC National Championships

9. What nutritional advice would you give a young aspiring bodybuilder?

Get enough calories!! I see too many people starting out trying desperately to put on size but eating like birds!The mainstream has everyone afraid of carbs and calories. When you are trying to build muscle, you need both! Lots of protein, good sources of complex carbs and yes – calories. This is where supplements by MUTANT have you covered. MUTANT MASS® Gainer and FLEX FOOD™ are both delicious and easy ways to get all your calories and quality macros in one easy-to-drink shake.

10. What’s the biggest advancement is sports nutrition supplements you’ve seen over your long and storied career?

To be honest, I’m not a big science guy in terms of getting into some of these great new ingredients you see in many of these products on the market. Hands down, for me, is TASTE! Man, I remember in the early days almost every product out there tasted like dirt! No joke. Gritty and almost impossible to take down. Now I actually get up in the morning craving a delicious shake or morning smoothie. One on of the many reasons I chose MUTANT to partner with was their amazing ability to make ice cream-like, well-flavored protein shakes. Hold the dirt! I’ll take a chocolate peanut butter MUTANT ISO SURGE™ whey isolate shake!

Instagram @shawnrayifbbpro
Facebook @TheRealShawnRay
Twitter @sugarshawnray

Shawn Ray Signature
Full Dose Pre-Workout

“This one is a game-changer. Lift big. Get big. It’s that simple. I have my signature on this product for a reason. It’s the culmination of a lifetime of training, nutrition and hard work all wrapped into one amazing formula. From the weight rack to the Olympia stage, I have always been ALL-IN. Now it’s your turn.”-Shawn Ray

For more information, visit





MUTANT at FIBO With Shaun Clarida, Andrea Shaw

Classic Shawn

10 Questions With Shawn Ray

Sponsored by MUTANT

1. Last month, you mentioned traveling to Germany where you appeared at a huge expo

for MUTANT. Where any other big names there?

Yes, last month we kicked off our global support of the fitness industry at FIBO in Köln, Germany where we had a sponsor booth. I was joined by our company CEO Jim McMahon, two-time 212 Olympia winner Shaun Clarida and three-time Ms. Olympia Andrea Shaw, both sponsored athletes along with the MUTANTS! Four days of craziness and promotions with superstar athletes and leading industry equipment companies, supplement brands and even an NPC worldwide pro qualifier contest!

2. What’s your take on the beef with some podcasters pushing back on each other arguing about this athlete or that coach? You used to be very visible and present in these types of discussions but not so much as of late. What gives?

Funny you mention that, because everyone knows I love a good argument when it comes to the discussion of bodybuilding and protocols. I’ve been sitting back watching guys fight over opinions about contest placings, posing, advice and what they think is best for the sport and so on, with amusement. I think time and wisdom has taught me not to argue with people seeking attention and not resolution. Many social media experts offer their suggestions and opinions from the comfort of their homes and don’t ever attend or promote shows. I have chosen to engage in conversation with people who can affect real change instead of provoking arguments for the sake of views, likes or follows. I’ve chosen to no longer give these people a platform or my attention unless they stand for being a part of the solution and not the problem. I heard a quote by Denzel Washington who stated, “Great minds discuss ideas, small minds discuss other people.”

3. We see you posting a ton on social media promoting your hugely successful show in Hawaii coming this November 18th, and now you have three Olympia qualifiers added. What’s more exciting for you, promoting or competing?

Naturally, I enjoyed the challenges of competing for 20 years of my life to put me in this position of promoting; however, I really enjoy giving a platform for others to experience the joy and enrichment that competing brought to my life. Promoting from my perspective allows more creativity to give back, help others and build a legacy that hundreds or thousands of athletes can share with me. Bodybuilding for me was personal satisfaction, but promoting is a global reward that affects all kinds of like-minded athletes fulfilling their dreams through my promotions.


4. You were quoted as saying, “I don’t train anymore, I exercise.” Can you clarify a bit more?

Yeah, I trained for 40 years of my 57 years on earth. That said, only 20 years were spent competing; the remaining years were spent training and working out during my 20-plus years in retirement. I’ve consciously decided to exercise as a way of staying healthy yet injury free. I no longer work out to build my body up but rather exercise to keep my body functional. I no longer place a premium on how I look but rather focus on how I feel. That is to say, how I feel at my age is more important to me personally than how I look in the mirror or to others. Knock on wood, I’ve never been seriously injured and the last thing I need in retirement is a hip replacement, knee surgery, nerve damage, rotator cuff surgery, back surgery or any health-related issues including a torn muscle at this stage of my life. How can I avoid all of the above? Stop training! Training to me is breaking the body down in order to build and repair the muscles. Been there, done that! I prefer to focus on cardio, stretching, flexibility and overall maintenance. I enjoy eating all kinds of food, so I have to continue a level of fitness to offset calorie consumption. I’m content with what I achieved physically and now I have to continue to remind myself that I have a 40-year-old daughter, two teenage daughters and three grandkids I want to enjoy, so it’s time for me to train smarter not harder!

5. Bodybuilding has taken you all over the world. What’s one of the more memorable places you’ve visited?

Well, that’s true, bodybuilding is global and far reaching for a top athlete who loves what they do. I really do have a passion for the sport and recognize the far-reaching passion and development of others around the world who follow and support my work. It’s been my pleasure visiting all the countries, making friends, and sharing the vision of Joe and Ben Weider’s passion for education through the health and fitness lifestyle. One of the standout trips I really enjoyed was visiting Egypt a couple of years ago and seeing the Pyramids in person with my longtime buddies, legend Chris Cormier and Lionel Rangel, my old training partner from way back in 1985 as a teenager!

6. It’s really cool to see your products on the shelves at nutrition stores, especially your pre-workout, ALL-IN, a personal favorite of mine. Where can we see more product distribution?

Thank you, we’ve had tremendous response to our ALL-IN Shawn Ray Signature Pre-workout! You can purchase at Nutrition Discount stores in Hawaii, California, and Nevada; 619 Muscle in San Diego, California; Hidetada and Iris Kyle’s Powerhouse Gym in Las Vegas; Popeye’s in Canada and very easily online using my special Discount Code and save at

7. What’s up with ISO SURGE™?

MUTANT’s ISO SURGE™ is officially in corporate Gold’s Gym, in both Vanilla and Chocolate!

Pure whey protein isolate

100% gourmet taste

25 grams of protein

Low-carb and low-fat

No amino spiking

No hidden ingredients


Digestive enzyme-boosted


8. Where to next for Sugar Shawn Ray on your 2023 World Tour?

I’ll be everywhere!

April 22: Santa Clara, CA

EVO Sports Expo

April 23: Charlotte, NC

Charlotte Pro/Am

May 12-13: Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh Pro/Am

May 19-21: Teaneck, NJ

New York Pro

May 27: Anaheim, CA

Mr. California

June 2-5th: Honolulu, HI

Ikaika Classic

June 8-11: Montego Bay, Jamaica

June 17: NPC West Coast Classic

Riverside, CA

June 23-25: Rancho Mirage, CA

West Coast Pro Masters

July 28-29: Las Vegas, NV


August 5-6: The Fit Expo, CA

Anaheim Convention Center

September 29-30: Daytona Pro/Am

Daytona Beach, FL

October 7-8: Reno, NV

Reno Pro/Am

October 19-23: Zurich, Switzerland

Swizz Grand Prix

November 1-6: Orlando, FL

Mr. Olympia

November 10-12: Las Vegas, NV

NPC Steve Karr Classic

November 14-20: Honolulu, HI

Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic

November 23-27: Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dubai Muscle Show

December 9: Irving, TX

NPC National Championships


9. What nutritional advice would you give a young aspiring bodybuilder?

Get enough calories!! I see too many people starting out trying desperately to put on size but eating like birds!The mainstream has everyone afraid of carbs and calories. When you are trying to build muscle, you need both! Lots of protein, good sources of complex carbs and yes – calories. This is where supplements by MUTANT have you covered. MUTANT MASS® Gainer and FLEX FOOD™ are both delicious and easy ways to get all your calories and quality macros in one easy-to-drink shake.

10. What’s the biggest advancement is sports nutrition supplements you’ve seen over your long and storied career?

To be honest, I’m not a big science guy in terms of getting into some of these great new ingredients you see in many of these products on the market. Hands down, for me, is TASTE! Man, I remember in the early days almost every product out there tasted like dirt! No joke. Gritty and almost impossible to take down. Now I actually get up in the morning craving a delicious shake or morning smoothie. One on of the many reasons I chose MUTANT to partner with was their amazing ability to make ice cream-like, well-flavored protein shakes. Hold the dirt! I’ll take a chocolate peanut butter MUTANT ISO SURGE™ whey isolate shake!

Instagram @shawnrayifbbpro
Facebook @TheRealShawnRay
Twitter @sugarshawnray



Shawn Ray Signature

Full Dose Pre-Workout

“This one is a game-changer. Lift big. Get big. It’s that simple. I have my signature on this product for a reason. It’s the culmination of a lifetime of training, nutrition and hard work all wrapped into one amazing formula. From the weight rack to the Olympia stage, I have always been ALL-IN. Now it’s your turn.”-Shawn Ray

For more information, visit












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