My 20 week cycle plan (Jan 3rd - May 21st)


New member
I will be 41 years old this Feb and after a lot of thought and planing (blood test, resting my body, not lifting weights, only cardio and yoga, passing my physical and blood test next week) I will start a 20 week cycle ending in time for Summer. I welcome every members thoughts and feedback as I go along. I plan on using test cyp and IGF only until PCT and keeping the MG's/mcg's the same every week for all 20 weeks. I will however front load the cyp to start. Remember I am turning 41 this year so my goal is to change my body while taking little as possible.
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so lets start with the obvious question. have you used these before?? at what dosages??
I'm interested in ur Cycle I turn 41 in February also but what doses at u gonna run I don't think u can go wrong just want all the info freind
so lets start with the obvious question. have you used these before?? at what dosages??

Sad thing is bro I have stayed on for longer then this at higher much higher dose with more gear in the past. Trust me bro I am no rookie to things like this. I will shoot you a PM.
My plan is to keep test cyp at 500mg/week and IGF 50mcg/week for 20 weeks. I will be front loading the test cyp week 1 for sure and maybe half of week 2 Starting the IGF week 2 or 3 depending on how I feel from the test. I am sure front loading the test will bring on test flu. My plan is to cycle my diet and workouts and keep test and igf the same for 20 weeks.
Good luck, I am right there with you. Sounds like you are no rookie, but have you ever thought to add Proviron. I really liked it with an all Test run, it seemed to be very easy on the liver, and just helps with everything.
Good luck, I am right there with you. Sounds like you are no rookie, but have you ever thought to add Proviron. I really liked it with an all Test run, it seemed to be very easy on the liver, and just helps with everything.

Truth be told bro, there are alot of things I can add and really want to. However sticking to 2 compounds this round. One thing I might do is come off test cyp end of week 17, take no test week 18 and switch to prop week 19-20 just so I can get better control of my PCT.
My plan is to keep test cyp at 500mg/week and IGF 50mcg/week for 20 weeks. I will be front loading the test cyp week 1 for sure and maybe half of week 2 Starting the IGF week 2 or 3 depending on how I feel from the test. I am sure front loading the test will bring on test flu. My plan is to cycle my diet and workouts and keep test and igf the same for 20 weeks.
That will work go for it bro I like it
Truth be told bro, there are alot of things I can add and really want to. However sticking to 2 compounds this round. One thing I might do is come off test cyp end of week 17, take no test week 18 and switch to prop week 19-20 just so I can get better control of my PCT.

i like to do this also.....have you thought about HCG at our age it becomes much more difficult to bounce back..i have to run pct for much lonegr in my 40s..
Luv it, at 42 I just started a similar cycle but added some tren A in the mix. I have never been prone to side effects.
Did i miss understand or read incorrectly, you said you are going to run IGF at 50mcg a week for 20 weeks? Is that every day for 20 weeks?
Did i miss understand or read incorrectly, you said you are going to run IGF at 50mcg a week for 20 weeks? Is that every day for 20 weeks?

Damn my bad on that info. Original plan was 50mcg ED for 20 weeks but as of yesterday I make a slight change and added GH to the mix. Going to run 4ius of GH everyday and 50mcg of IGF training days only. Monday was 1st day with 500mg of cyp, tomorrow I plan on another 500mg.
Sorry I am just now update this guys. So 01/04 was 500mg/cyp and I did another 500mg/cyp 01/07. I did another 500mg of cyp on 01/13 and test flu is kicking my ass. Plan is to start GH and IGF 01/18 and another 250mg/cyp on 01/20. This could change
Changing things up again. I have this weekend off from work and training so I started the GH this morning at 4am along with a quick protein shake. Went back to bed until 7am and will do the same Sunday.
So from the 4th-today there has been a total of 1750mg of test cyp taken and its been 4 days of GH at 4ius. I am having blood work done this Friday and should have info back by Monday/25th at the latest. If my test numbers are where I think they will be after the last few weeks, I will skip all cyp next week 25th-1st, keep doing the GH at 4ius ED, Start the cyp back the following Monday 1st along with the IGF pre workout.