My battle with Leukemia


New member
As some of you know I was diagnosed with cancer of the blood (Leukemia) a little over 2 years ago. Needles to say its been a long hard time for me and my family. After many different treatments and kemo, it seems that I may be winning the battle or.,may have finnaly won. The doctors are now saying that they cant find the cancer at all now. The last treatment I received was a methed of were they inject a radioactive substance into your bloodstream and it attacks the cancer directly.,well it seems to have worked and I'm at a loss for words about how I feel about it. I'm happy of course,but at the same time I keep thinking about when I was at my worst point and I started to come to terms with the fact that I was probably going to die. But now that I'm getiing beter, I have such a deeper understanding of what family is and what its all about. I felt sorry for myself for so long because of failing at so many things and not following through with things I had started, that I lost sight of what really matters., and I'm closer to my family now than ever. Thats the most special thing of all. Well, I've started to do some lite workouts now. I've been walking my treadmill and holding a 5 pd dumbbell in each hand hand for around 20 min. and that has started to bring my energy back up. Not to mention all the vitamins I'm taking. My appitite is fully back and I've been eating like a horse :surprised .I got nausous alot at first , but that went away in about a week,thank god. Before I used to weigh around 189-193 lbs at 5-11 , now I'm at around 156 lbs. Hopefully I can get some meat back on me. Gonna start doing some weight training again soon as well. Well,just wanted to say hello agail and hopefully I'll see you guys more often now...TOOL
Unbelievable news bro!! My prayers will be with you in your recovery... keep fighting!! :thumbsup:
I am very glad to hear about your progress.
Keep a positive attitude - it really does wonders.
That is great news! It's good to have you back, and good luck with your training.
congrats bro god bless you and your family. good luck getting back into training and staying healthy from now on good to have you back bud.
Right on. It may sound weird but (IMO) your lucky. A lot of people dont appreciate
the family/friends that are right under their nose. They are too busy or "will do it later"
You are lucky to be one of the few who appreciate them 'in the now'. I came close
to "checking out" about 14 1/2 years ago. Long story - ran hard with the wrong people
and wrong place/wrong time ect.. Intensive care with them saying "it dosent look
good". I now have two daughters and a wife (that I get along with) and am a
productive member of society (never thought I'd be that). There isn't a day that
goes by that I dont say thank-you for what I have now and back that up with how
I treat my family. WE are lucky bro. Really quick, when I first got out of the
hospital I couldn't even ride a 10 speed bike downhill for more then 1 block. I worked
out with books and then pots with water - side laterals and curls ect.
It was SLOW but it came back and more. Keep us posted on your progress.
I just got the chills from reading this. It makes you really appreciate life when you hear a story like this. I have been in a bad situation myself and realize how short life is and what really matters in life. I am glad you are doing good and I will say a prayer for you. I just hope you keep telling people your story because it will inspire people.
yup share with others because it may help someone realize how short life is and the little things they take for granted thanks for sharing once again and god bless.
Thanks guys, I really apreciate all your kind words. I think I'm going to start doing some low weight stuff for now.I still have decent muscle still on my body , its just weak muscle. I'll just start with high reps and then work my way up with some weight. The thing thats holding me back the most is being a little stiff in my joints from laying in one spot for periods of time ,. But thats starting to go away more and more every day. Thanks again for your guys support....TOOL
Spiderman said:
That is incredible are very blessed and I hope this thing is gone for good.
Me too bro, Me too. Thank you, and thanks to all that has stuck by me through all this,you know who you are.
Oh, and Spiderman, What the hell have you been feeding that That little sucker is pumped ...LOL