My Grandfathers Death


Mc Vet
My Grandfather didn't wake up 3 days ago he had slipped into a coma in the night, a CAT scan did not show enough detail to tell what happened, but it was probably a stroke, he awoke from his coma and said to me that since my grandma had passed away 2 years ago he has prayed to join her everyday but being a good Christian he wouldn't dare commit suicide, he specified in his will that no attempts should be made or keep him alive if his body should fail and they had him on a respirator, he was awake and refused food and medication, We all went and said goodbye yesterday and he asked that I be the one to make sure he's comfortable and the one to remove his life support,

I respected his wishes and he was very comfortable and fell asleep however his vitals were very strong while he was sleeping except for his respiration, his blood oxygen levels were steady dropping they were down to 65 (that's very very very low) so he should be passing away any time.

As a result of this and me being the new head of the family I may be away for most of the next few following days, I'll be on the board in the mornings but not as long as usual until I have made all the arrangements for my Grandfather.

Thank You everyone,

Bro ! I feel your pain I just got a call after getting out from the gym my grandfather died as well but as of now I do not know how or why

my prayers are with you in this time of need !
Bro I'm sorry I didnt see this sooner. You have my deepest sympathy. I know your pain very much so. I have lost 3 people very close to me in the past 6 months and sometimes I feel like just giving up, but some how I carry on another day. I lost my father to a heart attack when I was 18. Then when I was 20 I lost 2 of my grandparents. At age 21 I lost another grandparent. Now at age 30 I have lost 3 people that ment alot to me. First was my best friend about 4 months ago. Then my neices mother and step father. The step father was a good friend of mine since high school. I havn't been able to talk about it for a while now. But now that I hear your story,it makes it a little easier. Good luck with everything new that may come your way bro.
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Definately hard times bro, but they mold us as human beings. right now you are probrably being looked at as the pillar in the family right now and that is hard, the same thing happened to me about 3 years ago when my grandfather and my dad died within 90 days of eachother and it has definately made me a stronger person, and i am sure you will be too. best wishes.
It is good to know that he was comfortable, happy and peaceful and surrounded by the love of his family. Best wishes.
I'm SORRY also I did not see this sooner......My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Dealing with a loss such as this is not going to be easy. Feel free when you get back to drop us a line to let us know how things turned out. God bless