My next cycle stock and pics


New member
Here is my stock please give your input
I am 6'3 214 15 percent bf
I have done 1 dbol only cycle years back
and just finished a 16 weeker of 600 mg of enanthate and 10 weeks of dbol with it at 30 mg.
I'm looking to bulk next in september until january

Right now I got
20cc of omna (Jelfa)
20cc of deca 300(QV)
20cc of winny 100 (Denkall)
20cc of t400 (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Phoenix</st1:City></st1:place>)
60 var tabs 15mg each (IP)
20cc of enanthate (QV)
i like the site bro, more guys should keep a journal, we actualy have a photo journal forum here, if u want to contribute
supermannpc said:
whats up 38532nd
i was the one that got you on this site from myspace

I came to this site from myspace too. I hate myspace...but how many of you guys have got "play" from that site?
I hear you on the myspace thing....all the girls have fine ass pics up, but I wonder how many are real??? Everybody lives so far away....
I think that a lot of it is real. Most the whores(which is pretty much every girl at San DIego State) have my space's...A lot guys claim to pull a lot girls off of it too, I just don't have the patiance for that shit. Leave it for the kids.
After some help from many of you here I have my next cycle lined up.
Starting September 1st.2006 Begining of bulking season
Test E week 1,2 750/week
Test E week 3-8 500/week
QV DECA week 1,2 600 week
QV DECA week 3-8 300 week
IP DBOL week1-4 45 mg/day
Starting November 1st 2006 Second Half of Bulker and getting ready to roll into cutter
Omnadren week 1-10 500/week
Ip Var week 1-6 30mg/day
Starting January 14th 2007 Begining of Cutter
Test E 100mg/Test C 100mg/ Test Prop 50mg Blend week 1-20 250/week
QV DECA300 week 1-10 300/week
Denkall Winny week 11-20 50mg/EOD
ECA 25/200/100 weeks 16,17,20,21
Clen 100ug/day weeks 18,19,22,23
I will post all my results week to week here and on my website.My goal for the bulker is to hit 280lbs. I am currently 205lbs. @ 6'3. My goal by June of 2007 is 235lbs. Shredded.I plan on hitting my first show next summer. It has been a dream of mine to hit at least 1 show in my life.
whats your cycle history? that seems like way to much going on..i have used alot of shit and i find its best to keep it simple...and y are you pyramiding down the dosages/
So far I have hit dbol on 3 seperate cycles
MY last cycle was 16 weeks of enanthate 500 mg/week
Eq week 1-3 300 a week until it started to mess with my stomach.
Dbol weeks 1-10 30 mg a day

Started @ 18 years old and gained 30lbs. off dbol cycle
Got like 35 off the last cycle .
i dont like the idea of 10weeks of dbol unless your monitoring your liver values and 3 weeks of eq is useless unless its a base or prop version...i would not pyramid your doses this
deca 400-500mg EW wks 1-10
test 500-750mg EW wks 1-10
use some prop or dbol say weeks 10-12 pct a few days after last shot
pct take some time off get blood work than
prop 100mg ED
winni or var 40-50mg ED
tren 75mg EOD
igf thats a great cutter right there and this is easier to run and the gains are going to be better imo