My pic and a question


New member
Hello bros,
Ok here is my pic at 5 weeks of resumed training..I am happy with my overall shape but I am lacking in the center portion of my chest, I cannot bring it up..My shoulders and arms are beginning to over power the rest of me. I am also at that critical stage we all go thru before the real transformation, It sucks Abig one too!..I mean that stage were you get really strong and your weight is stable, but you feel kind of like your smaller than the week I know it sounds stupid but I am I do know however that when that happens (at least in my case) Great things will follow, every little gain from then on will be dramatic, so I am waiting....I am blessed though as my gains this month are the best of my life (at least in speed)..Andy ideas as to how I can bring it up to par with the rest will be appreciated.I took this 10 mins ago and appologise for the quality...Also, What, in your opinion do you think my bf level is at?.....Oh yes, I train chest sometimes once a week, sometimes twice...mon/fri....9 sets 3 excercises each..Benches/flyes/dips...I have not trained my arms in a while trying to let my chest catch up but I dont know if that is wise?..Thanks again and no and I am natural.(for now :) )


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Not a good pic, not good at wife says it makes me look MAAAAAAAAN I wanna take it back!...lmfao!

I think your right bro..That is something that I have been toying with, It sure isnt easy..I have been Doing that with my legs and it is working nicely..Ya know, I must admit, while benching I dont feel alot in my chest, mostly in my arms..But my bench has gone up nearly 100lbs! My arms are blowin up though..There probably doing most of the work...I never did dumbell presses but I tried them last week and I felt my pecs working nicely then..I may have to mayby do nine sets of dumbell presses and nothing else?..I dunno..Definately need to focus more....Everyone else says they look fine, But I dont think so...Pics dont lie, My eye goes right to that chest...I like this board ande the people, I am going to change up and post pics monthly now..I am having problems getting honest answers.Well that isnt true..I think the general public thinks an ok chest is good eanough..Nope not me or any of us...That is a good thing..Thanks again bro.
incline presses i find that cable cross overs though not giving you much quality yield in awesome shaping results
hit the center of your chest with cable crossovers and close grip bench press

as for your shoulders and arms overpowering the rest of your body......they aren't. dont' undertrain any body part unless you're planning on stepping on stage in 12 weeks.
Nice WHITTIE TIGHTIES, cable cross overs are good and incline dumbell flies.

Around my way we call them "PUNK PANTIES" :D, but yes, cable cross overs are good with db flyes. Superset with abs every now and then too.

lOL..dAMN MIRRORS.. Nope not a boxer man myself....They bunch up to bad in my I think I should increase the sets then and do just chest on the given day..All of your suggestions are great an thanks for them..
BF guess- 12%

Chest- forget chest, let me explain and this is not a flame or a criticism. You are still in the "young pup" stage. Please do yourself a favor and set down a good foundation. This means the basic compound exercises. Please stay away from cables and flyes!

Bench, DB Bench, Bent-Over Rows, Pullups, Squats, Stiffleg Deads, Plain-o-deads, Front Press for Delts, DB Presses, Close Grip Benches, More Squats, Skull Crushers, BB Curls, DB Curls and others. Did I mention Squats?

Nowhere do you see a cable or fly in there.

Good Luck- LA
...drop weight and focus...

The only way I am able to 'target' the upper/inner pecs is to do incline work (BB and DB). Cable crossowvers while leaning forward at least 30 degrees will target upper/inner as well.

It is all about the form not the poundage!

You will get more out of perfect form 3/4 max than not so perfect form at max weight.

The idea is to concentrate on the muscles you are trying to work. If they are not burning, lower the weight and focus more.
BiggerStronger said:
WTF seems like you're always giving negative feedback to everyone. Lets see some pictures of you!
You know I thought he was bros with Chaines offline and just blowing him some noise.

Maybe it's best if you clear it up z28.
LA said:
Bench, DB Bench, Bent-Over Rows, Pullups, Squats, Stiffleg Deads, Plain-o-deads, Front Press for Delts, DB Presses, Close Grip Benches, More Squats, Skull Crushers, BB Curls, DB Curls and others. Did I mention Squats?

LOL! Looks like you took a page outta my training log, LA. Even after nearly 9 years of serious training, those exercises still represent the core of my routine....very instrumental to my development. Great advice here!
goldenear said:
LOL! Looks like you took a page outta my training log, LA. Even after nearly 9 years of serious training, those exercises still represent the core of my routine....very instrumental to my development. Great advice here!
Golden, did you post in the Age Thread? I'll have to check.

I am amazed at how many young bucks in the gym there are spending time on cable exercises. I want to put a sign on the cables that reads- "You are not allowed to use this if you are under 180 lbs".

Of course there are other signs I'd like to post:

"This is a squat rack, not a curling rack".

"Don't ask, because I'm only going to lie about it"

"If you are the same size as you were last year, think it just might be the 20+ sets you do for each bodypart?"

"Food is more anabolic than creatine, shut up and eat something stupid"

"You're not impressing anyone with a 4" squat, I don't care how many plates you've got stacked on there"

"Do you get bruises from bouncing the bar off your chest like that?"

"I do believe Ronnie Coleman has copyrighted the shouting of LITE WEIGHT, so please don't shout it out at the top of your lunges before each set unless you are paying him a royality"

Feel free to add to the list.