My theory on getting horny rasing test level and leading to gains and strength


New member
:bench:Now for a long time I have been preaching that being horny or sexual arouse will lead to better gains and strengths and I myself believe in that and think that has help with my growth. Some say its bro science some have tried it and said it worked .

The whole goal to up the test levels is to get sexual arouse, but not I repeat but not bust that nut. Your have all the sex you want jerk it all you want, but do not bust that nut if you do its a fail.
I do not care how you get sexual arouse, whether you are watching porn(which I do), looking at your girl naked in front of you, or looking at your gay lover.

What ever that will get you sexual arouse will up them test levels, The longer you go during this the better, But it gets to a point where it will reach its max and that nut will makes its way on its own, I use that as a sign to let me know that my test levels high and how long It will take for that to happen.

Now i'm not telling to never Ejaculate ever again just dont make it a everyday thing 7 days of Ejaculation ur test are low as hell
i do agree with oyu pertly.
I liek watign porn when i lift or somthing like that. but i dont agree on the jrtking off or havign sex before workou thing.
I have a better work out after sex. and usually bust a nigth right before i lift.

now if you fall asleep after you bust a nut then i guess dont do it. for me i find im clearer and have a better workout and feel better. and yes ill still have porn playing with music while i lift.
you will know me when you see me at the
i read an article of this once, and i think every one has heard of the no sex while in training mode, until the weekend or your off days. i boxed for a few years and i think everyone recalls micky tell rocky " no fooling around rock, it weakens the legs". experts say it a myth, some claim it as fact, could just depend on the person.

ive also read off ejaculation lowering the glycogen stores in the body. so how true that is i dont know.
I saw a television show on this myth and a few others. They had a boxer (forget who, but big name) and trained with weights and circuit training and maxes were recorded.

That night he and his wife did their thing. All night for good measure. The exercises were repeated the next day and their was no decline in performance, reps, endurance, etc.
I remember that being test on sports science awhile back with some boxer, I cant remember his name. But they took his test levels before and after he banged his wife (they didnt show that part). After sex his test level had raised way up. Might test that theory with my wife before I go to the gym tonight.
Ya know.. I agree wit this guy totally makes sense, other than the extra calorie burning and exercising of sex.. which can be beneficial as well. This Theory also will work, you will have more DRIVE to train, if you arent busting that nut..LoL

Good Thoughts Bro !!:sport:
FWIW I remember back in the 80's, I used to close up my gym on Sat afternoon (since I own it), take my GF back on the power rack, nail the living hell out of her and then I would have all my plates on bars and dumbells out and ready to lift, pull out without busting one and have one helluva workout. It was a but hard (no pun intended) at first to get my mind to workout 30 seconds after having sex, but once I got into the groove it was great!
FWIW I remember back in the 80's, I used to close up my gym on Sat afternoon (since I own it), take my GF back on the power rack, nail the living hell out of her and then I would have all my plates on bars and dumbells out and ready to lift, pull out without busting one and have one helluva workout. It was a but hard (no pun intended) at first to get my mind to workout 30 seconds after having sex, but once I got into the groove it was great!

dude, your full of shit!!! i havent met a dude yet that gets it in then stops and wants to train.
dude, your full of shit!!! i havent met a dude yet that gets it in then stops and wants to train.

Straight up...never said I did it on a regular basis and it pissed her off a bit.....but I dated her a long time back so the novelty had worn off so can't say it was a big thrill anyway. It tests your self disipline, just like the OP stated