Natural Hormones 2


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Steroid chemical classes, target receptor, cells, and effects of androgens, anabolics, progesterones and estrogen hormones

[TABLE="class: sortable wikitable jquery-tablesorter"]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Chemical class[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Name[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Abbreviation[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Tissue[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Cells[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Receptor[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Target Tissue[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Effect[/TH]
[TD]Leydig cells[/TD]
[TD]libido, Anabolic: growth of muscle mass and strength, increased bone density, growth and strength,Virilizing: maturation of sex organs, formation of scrotum, deepening of voice, growth of beard and axillary hair.[/TD]
[TD]testes, ovary, kidney[/TD]
[TD]Zona fasciculataand Zona reticularis cells of kidney
theca cells of ovary
Leydig cellss of testes[/TD]
[TD]Virilization, anabolic[/TD]
[TD]adrenal glands,gonads[/TD]
[TD]Substrate for estrogen[/TD]
[TD]5-DHT or DHT is a male reproductive hormone that targets the prostate gland, bulbourethral gland, seminal vesicles, penis and scrotum and promotes growth/mitosis/cell maturation and differentiation. Testosterone is converted to 5-DHT by 5alpha-reductase, usually with in the target tissues of 5-DHT because of the need for high concentrations of 5-dht to produced the physiological effects.[/TD]
[TD]adrenal cortex(zona glomerulosa)[/TD]
[TD]Increase blood volume by reabsorption of sodium in kidneys (primarily)Potassium and H[SUP]+[/SUP] secretion in kidney.[/TD]
[TD]females: ovary, males testes[/TD]
[TD]females: granulosa cells, males: Sertoli cell[/TD]

  • promote formation of female secondary sex characteristics
  • stimulate endometrial growth
  • increase uterine growth
  • maintenance of blood vessels and skin
  • reduce bone resorption
  • increase hepatic production of binding proteins

  • increase circulating level of factors 2, 7, 9, 10, antithrombin III, plasminogen
  • increase platelet adhesiveness
Fluid balance:

  • salt (sodium) and water retention
  • increase growth hormone
  • increase cortisol, SHBG
Gastrointestinal tract:

  • reduce bowel motility
  • increase cholesterol in bile
Lung function:

  • promote lung function by supporting alveoli.[SUP][6][/SUP]
Males: Prevent apoptosis of germ cells[SUP][7][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]granulosa cells,Adipocytes[/TD]
[TD]adrenal cortex(zona fasciculataand zona reticulariscells)[/TD]
[TD]Stimulation of gluconeogenesisInhibition of glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissue Mobilization of amino acids from extrahepatic tissues Stimulation of fat breakdown in adipose tissue anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive[/TD]
[TD]ovary, adrenal glands, placenta(when pregnant)[/TD]
[TD]Granulosa cellstheca cells of ovary[/TD]
[TD]Support pregnancy:[SUP][8][/SUP]
  • Convert endometrium to secretory stage
  • Make cervical mucus permeable to sperm
  • Inhibit immune response, e.g. towards the human embryo.
  • Decrease uterine smooth muscle contractility[SUP][8][/SUP]
  • Inhibit lactation
  • Inhibit onset of labor
  • Support fetal production of adrenal mineralo- and glucosteroids

  • Raise epidermal growth factor-1 levels
  • Increase core temperature during ovulation[SUP][9][/SUP]
  • Reduce spasm and relax smooth muscle (widen bronchi and regulate mucus)
  • Antiinflammatory. Regulate immune response
  • Reduce gall-bladder activity[SUP][10][/SUP]
  • Normalize blood clotting and vascular tone, zinc and copper levels, cell oxygen levels, and use of fat stores for energy
  • Assist in thyroid function and bone growth by osteoblasts
  • Resilience in bone, teeth, gums, joint, tendon, ligament and skin healing by regulating collagen
  • Nerve function and healing by regulating myelin
  • Prevent endometrial cancer by regulating effects of estrogen
[TD]Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D[SUB]3[/SUB])[/TD]
[TD]skin/proximal tubuleof kidneys[/TD]
[TD]Active form of vitamin D[SUB]3[/SUB]Increase absorption of calcium and phosphate from gastrointestinal tract and kidneys inhibit release of PTH[/TD]
[TD]Calcidiol (25-hydroxyvitamin D[SUB]3[/SUB])[/TD]
[TD]skin/proximal tubuleof kidneys[/TD]
[TD]Inactive form of vitamin D[SUB]3[/SUB]
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