Need advice and a little guidance


New member
Ok this is my first post and live in the sticks so i need a little outside is the deal, over the past year I've lost 110lbs I went from 326lbs to 213lbs and 5ft 8 inches tall. I still have a spare tire of loose skin and man tits that sag a little i checked my body fat with the 3 site rule and it came up 26% but i think my extra skin didnt help the readings. I originally wanted to lose another 20lbs putting me around 195 because that is what i wrestled at in 9th grade i havent been under 200 since i was 14 and im so close to being there. I eat 20 to 30 carbs a day as my diet I have been taking mma training up until this past month and have been on the weights lightly i did do 5 2 week cycles of clen over the past year from the company with the blue bottle (EXpep) and tried their t3 which did nothing .. My brother (who has been a juice monkey for 12 years) has told me to change my diet and hit the weights harder and start the juice. I want too, because I have never been able to have any upper body size that counts no matter how long i lifted an I would like to fill my chest back out so my chest doesn't sag any more but I'm afraid that I still weigh to much and because when I was 19, I weighed 230 and had been in the gym lifting since I was 14 and wasn't going anywhere so I did 6 weeks of green Nile sust 250 a week and I admit dieted poorly (i was 19) and blew up like a whale gained 30lbs in 6 weeks of fat and water with a head the size of a basketball and had a horrible temper. My arms are currently 14 inches and my neck is 16 inches, I wear a 34 pants 36 fall off no matter what have a skin hanging over. I have had blood work done all levels of thyroid normal and test is at the bottom of normal but doc wont give me anything for it. Gonna post a few pic to give you an idea. SO do i need to continue on the weight loss for now or am i ok to start something because regardless im always gonna have the spare tire of skin from being so big.
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welcome to MC and keep dieting hard , no need to use anything right now
Thank you you that's what I was thinking, and will continue to do.

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Thank you you that's what I was thinking, and will continue to do.

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your welcome brutha! and we have a great diet and Nutrition forum here, so i would start in there, and talk to 3J our site rep here who does diets and such, in any case, best of luck to you my man!
I'm not too sure if I wanna change my diet yet, it has got me through 113lbs of weight loss so far and still rolling 10lbs a months. But when I get small enough to start putting on some muscle I will for sure check it out. The hard part for me is going to be having to eat more I've gotten so used to eating so little and I have no clue on choosing supplements. My brother is a monster he used to be 265lbs benching in the 500 range now he is 215 and cut way better but I don't know what he is lifting now, but he isn't too much help on supplements between the bcaa and amino and cla core when he talks about what to get its like Spanish i dont understand what does what. I do know back in the day when he was 265 he used alot of sust and ate everything and it was real pharmacy stuff I know because we were both overseas together and a sust ml vial and a syringe delivered was 5$, now he still eats nonstop but does alot of masteron prop tren.

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Welcome to MC. Stay away from steroids....for now. Listen to Presser and contact 3J.