Need anger management


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I have a short fuse to begin with, but I can def feel the diff since ive been back on gear. Do you guys go thru any mood swings? I get mad at the smallest stuff.
I'm like that everyday of my life so when I'm on gear I actually calm down as weird as that sounds. It's like I'm so happy that I'm on and making gains that my tolerance rises
Lol, I notice it when Im driving. I have to take a breath and calm down - usually cus Im with my daughters and
when they see me getting pissed they start freaking out.
my anger is the reason i wont carry a gun. i have plenty of stories where if i had a gun handy i wouldve killed somebody, a few did end up in the hospital but they lived. i will say i have got a lot better with ways to deal with anger and its been almost 3 years since i lost all control. if i let that shit boil im useless to my family and friends it starts a train of negative thoughts
Im always super happy while on gear.. except for straight after training, when i drive home... for some reason straight after a workout while im super pumped if someone cuts me off in traffic i will go all rampage on his arse! but it subsides pretty quickly
Tren is the only thing that affects my mood and it is horrible. I'm depressed, angry, sad, stressed, just a miserable person.
Other than that I look at controlling my temper as a way to control things in my environment that I normally can't control. Say if some idiot cuts me off. What good does it do to yell and get mad and possibly scare Silk with my outburst. I just look at her and smile. It's pretty much like it didn't happen. My failure has always been when someone questions my integrity or makes personal statements regarding my worth. That doesn't go well.
I dont feel any difference or act agro but been wondering why my wife lives in the other bedroom for about 10 to 12 weeks...ha ha......xnanx usually helps when running higher dosages..
Nah, I'm a really mellow and easy going guy. Even in the gym I'm not one to get all pumped up and crazy. I like to think of myself as bottling everything up and at the right moment tossing a match in there and all fucking hell break loose.

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My failure has always been when someone questions my integrity or makes personal statements regarding my worth. That doesn't go well.

Oh yeah, me too.
I have a short fuse to begin with, but I can def feel the diff since ive been back on gear. Do you guys go thru any mood swings? I get mad at the smallest stuff.

Just do what Bruce Banner does. He is always angry but unleashes it at the right time.
I will tell you one thing, going to anger management will only make things worse lol. I think they intentionally try to piss you off. I was court ordered to go through anger management and it just pissed me off more
Dude, you said if someone cuts you off you look at silk and smile. Reminded me of whey I was first going
out with my wife. I got cut off. It was by a BIG OLD caddy. There were for guys sitting in it. All had
corn row hair and no necks. The caddy was ridding so low it was almost scraping. Each one of those
guys had to be close to 300 lbs. Just as I notice the driver stick his arm out the window, lower it and
flick his cigarete under the car (meaning he had to be at least 6'6") I hear my horn. My then girlfriend
now wife was hanging on the horn with one hand and flipping them off with the other. LOL
I was the one smiling and waving. LOL
Heres what you need to think about when you get angry. Ever see someone get real angry in public? I have and they look really stupid and ignorant. Everyone sees this and they realize the person is a total idiot. I always think of this before I act out.
Heres what you need to think about when you get angry. Ever see someone get real angry in public? I have and they look really stupid and ignorant. Everyone sees this and they realize the person is a total idiot. I always think of this before I act out.

Very true, but at the same time, no one wants to fuck with that person lol