Need Energy


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On 500mg enath, 30 mg M-drol, IGF. Im wiped out all the time. Granted Im going thru a divorce and still care about her while she's going out. That drains me mentally. Love is a bitch!!
Anyway, Ive been pushing b-12 and my carbs are high but Im exhausted all the time. Tons of coffee also. What are you guys doing for energy??
ECA Stack bro, get urself some Ephedrine, Caffiene and Asperin!!! I promise it will work!
Im getting 6 to 7 hrs. Its tough right now bc of the divorce. Im also trying to not use ambien as much. I also think that the M-drol will make you tired but Im tired regardless.
**presser:: I heard the ephedrine hcl is better than the sulfate or vice versa. Also where do you get the ephedrine
Im getting 6 to 7 hrs. Its tough right now bc of the divorce. Im also trying to not use ambien as much. I also think that the M-drol will make you tired but Im tired regardless.
**presser:: I heard the ephedrine hcl is better than the sulfate or vice versa. Also where do you get the ephedrine

Thats correct bro you want the HCL not the Sulfate and you can walk into any Walgreens and go to the cold and flu area and they have ticket like things that you grab and take back to the Pharmacy and then the Pharmacist will grab the box from behind the counter, you will need to give them your drivers license so they can keep track of how many you buy a month as theirs a limit and the Ephedrine is called "Primatine" like Primatine mist inhaler and they are usualy all in the same area, so look for the "Primatine" brand and ur good to go bro
Is there a Red Flag if you buy too much. Have they given you a hard time?? Also can you tell me the dose of ephedrine/caffene/aspirn and how often your taking it.
thanks press
you can only buy i think 2 packs a month bro but u could always get someone else to go get it for ya if u run out, and you take 25mg ephedrine, 2-400mg caffiene, and 85-150 asperin( i take 325mg asperin cut in half)
I go to Walgreens and get it and you just have to sign for it and you can buy one a month (from what they say), but like Presser said, just have a buddy buy it. It's not a big deal, just used to make meth
I think the mdrol is your fatigue culprit. That's a high dose too