Need help to name a new brand of supplements


IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
Hi guys, i am working for a big supplement manufacture and we are about to launch a new line of products but i have been struggling finding the right name for trademark it.
So far everything you can name is taken.. it is incredible, but you name it and it is taken...
Atomic, etc....etc... etc... they all taken.
So what do you think? how would you name a company, bad ass, not too hardcore so girls and regular people wont get scare to buy it... Catchy...
Really appreciate it .
All the best
MuscleChemistry , no wait thats the name of our supplement line, lmao. Ill give this some serious thought bro as im p0retty good at this marketing and advertising stuff, so ill get you a few good names after giving this some serious thought!

Meanwhile bump it up for everyone to read and reply
no space for the little' !!! actully I cant think of a name...My buddy who I help out wiht supplements names and sometimes formula's, gets the same thing. Ever good name is taken...we just go with to the point names...our company is or Perscription Nutrition. It was simple and to the point. He was a pharmacist and wanted to start the supplement line. so he went with something he is know for...what are you know for ? Being a pro bodybuilder, believing you could be one, when many believe you coundnt ? Living your dream ? go with something in your life...that means something ...hope that helps...
just call it Wolverine-he's everyone's favorite X-man

the name alone can sell the supplement
haha Maximus???? who doesnt think of gladiator when they hear it, product awareness. you link the products name to a good feeling they have about about something else.
no space for the little' !!! actully I cant think of a name...My buddy who I help out wiht supplements names and sometimes formula's, gets the same thing. Ever good name is taken...we just go with to the point names...our company is or Perscription Nutrition. It was simple and to the point. He was a pharmacist and wanted to start the supplement line. so he went with something he is know for...what are you know for ? Being a pro bodybuilder, believing you could be one, when many believe you coundnt ? Living your dream ? go with something in your life...that means something ...hope that helps...

Thats a good one Chirs, thanks bro
im a comm marketing major. you have to make a name then build your product awareness around it. say you were to name it Insatiable thirst or some shizz. it doesnt matter the name its how you market the feeling after you hear the name. for example. "INSATIABLE THIRST ITS NOT FOR THE FAINT AT HEART BUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE A NEVER ENDING DESIRE TO SUCCEED." (you use this i want a cut haha)
I got 3 good names from you guys, i am still waiting for the attorney to come back with the results...
thanks a lot
I got 3 good names from you guys, i am still waiting for the attorney to come back with the results...
thanks a lot

results for what, to make sure the name isnt taken? you have to file for a trade name correct?