something as simple as taking kelp supplements can help regulate your thryoid... kelp (seaweed or sea kelp) helps increase iodine .
healthy, functioning thyroid, two tyrosine molecules each containing two atoms of iodine, combine to produce thyroxin or T4 (containing 4 molecules of Iodine). When the thryoid functions properly, some of the T4 is converted to T3 (triiodothyronine) which is the more active thryoid hormone. Some T1 and T2 are also formed, although their precise function is not yet understood.
a simple test other then the doctors to see if it has returned to normal is this
There is one simple thing almost anyone can do at home to uncover an underfunctional thyroid: take your own temperature. The "basal body temperature" test was developed by Broda O. Barnes, M.D., a physician who, for decades, helped raise the consciousness of both physicians and others regarding the risks and prevalence of hypothyroidism and weak thyroid function. His book, Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness first published in 1976, remains as the best clinical description of the syndrome.[9]
Because thyroid hormone is so vital to cellular metabolism, reduced thyroid function often manifests as a drop in body temperature to below the normal level of 98.6*F. Barnes recommended the following procedure:
Shake down an oral glass thermometer before going to bed and leave it on the night table overnight. (Actually, it is better to shake just before using it.)
Immediately upon awakening, and with as little movement as possible, place the thermometer firmly in your armpit next to the skin. (It is more accurate when placed on mucous membranes such as under the tongue or in the rectum).
Leave it there for 10 minutes.
Record the readings on three consecutive days
If the average temperature over the three days is less than 97.8*F, then, according to Barnes, you may have hypothyroidism. Even if you have had a blood test and were told your did not have a low thyroid reading, you might go back and look at the test results again. You may find that your blood levels of thyroid hormones are actually low normal. Many people who are within the so-called "normal" range but below the mid-point could benefit enormously from thyroid supplementation.