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Team MeccaGear!
alot....First, i was reading the test prop conversion of synovex. i was using the info for quite some time. i have made it to the injectable part and now i cant acess it.... i read it so many times i think i knew what to do, but wasent sure. for some reason i got kicked off it......i used my memory and pinned it the way i remembered.....ALOT oOF Questions. i need this info
i was using test prop 75mg and test E 225 mg every third day it had been about a week (2 shots) and i got blood work done. The Doc said my test levels were at 325! really can this be true?
i was using test prop 75mg and test E 225 mg every third day it had been about a week (2 shots) and i got blood work done. The Doc said my test levels were at 325! really can this be true?