First I like to say how much i like the board, alot of good info. I'm new to the the whole board and chat thing so if I ofend anyboby then FU(J/K). I'm 24 years old, 5'9" w/small frame, 180lbs, bf% ??? . I'm a football player at the semi-pro level(tesing isn't a problem yet, maybe in a year so I have to keep that in mind as well). I need to keep my quickness and to much size tends to slow me down. I've been up to 195lbs but got to slow for my position and had to lose a little weight. Most of the size I do have has come from past light cycles of sust, d-bol, winny, and deca. I know most injectables most inportantly deca give you dirty pee for a longer time. I'm planning a trip to Tijuana and plan to visit some vets while there. Any advice as to what to get and how to get it back would be great!!
a new guy still lurking in ya'lls vast knowledge
a new guy still lurking in ya'lls vast knowledge