new here/uderground gear


New member
well, i just want to introduce myself and i have a question on underground gear: BLACK LABEL LAB, Golden Triangle Pharmaceuticals ,IP dom, and Trinidad labs; are any of them good?
Yeah I have heard good things about all of them.

The only one I have heard bad things about was IP..... He had his share of problems...
sweatmachine said:
they can all be great if its a god source or remailer

nothing like getting saved from above and finding that one and only god source....:p

Crank hit it on the head, all though IP's winny tabs have been known to work real well, and also his bdol tabs...he had problems with his anit's a while back, but I have not heard or had any recent experience with them lately.
Well for the source part i havent used him or her yet, but they do have a huge list and they sell all the underground gear from within the US. oh, and they claim to know a US National Competitor, that will help with cycle advice.
crankin'stein said:
Yeah I have heard good things about all of them.

The only one I have heard bad things about was IP..... He had his share of problems...

crank, i know people have talked some shit about IP, but this guy has been around a loooong time. have you tried any of his products???

i've used a few with no problems whatsoever.