New injection site (for me)...


I hit my trapps yesterday. Very easy to see, not an akward angle if you have a double mirror. Not pain during or after, would recommend to anyone.

So that makes (in order or trying):

1) Quads (was my 1st favorite, but then is about #2 for me now)
2) Glutes (#7, just don;t have the flexability)
3) Delts (1st favorite)
4) Tri's (#4)
5) Bi's (#3)
6) Calves (igf slin pin only), would be a last resort for something like prop (#8, because would never put oil in there)
7) Pecs (#6)
8) Trapps (#5, maybe going up but too soon to tell)

Anyone else got me beat here?
I hit traps in the past with IGF. Delts are my fave too, the only other one I've done is lats because I had a strained muscle and I was alternating traps and lats with IGF and it really helped. I've done calves with IGF as well but I didn't enjoy it. I like hitting Bi's and pecs but I've yet to try Triceps.
Yeah, I like hitting my traps with IGF. It's sweet how quick the muscle can change shape. I notice the muscle fibers rise almost immediately after. Shit looks crazy if you get it right bilaterally.
you mean a full size pin, or a slin pin? I've slin pinned winstrol into my traps. Shit hurt the next day, lol.

I might use them this cycle if I run out of spots. its a hard spot for me to reach though. very easy for others to hit though if you can get a volunteer.
dreww said:
you mean a full size pin, or a slin pin? I've slin pinned winstrol into my traps. Shit hurt the next day, lol. .

I do Test Prop injections into traps 23 x 1 1/2 :)

And get creative BIs 2 muscle heads, TRIs 3 muscle heads, and Delts 3 muscle heads. And Quads I use the inner and outer muscle heads.
Besides glutes, which everyone seems to hate because of the reach...what's the safest place to inject? I've heard shoulders since there aren't any major veins, but I would think biceps would be better since you can see all the veins and avoid them.
I'd have to say shoulders for me personally, I think they're virtually painless and easy to reach. If you think about it besides glutes that's where nurses and docs give injects.
i love shoulder but i have alot of scar tissue now from overuse so i have been using the ventruel glutal site with bi,tri and traps, all pretty painless