New Mr. O


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<!-- CONTENT -->New Mr. Olympia is an ex-college hoops player

PUBLISHED 1 month and 2 days ago

LAST UPDATED 1 month and 2 days ago

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Staff report Sporting News
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Former University of Denver guard Phil Heath was hardly a heavyweight on the basketball court. He averaged just 1.3 points per game during his four-year career.
But after basketball, Heath has found a different path in the world of athletics. Now he excels in the world of bodybuilding.
Few hoops fans would recognize Phil Heath from his days in Denver. (AP photo)
<!--INFOLINKS_ON-->Over the weekend, Heath -- nicknamed "The Gift" -- won the 2011 Mr. Olympia competition, defeating four-time champ Jay Cutler. (And no, the Bears' QB is not moonlighting as a bodybuilder. It's a different guy.)
"I feel awesome," Heath said in an interview with "Words cannot describe how I feel right now. I'm so happy I was able to do it and able to have fun while doing it.
Heath reportedly weighed 180 lbs. during his playing days at the University of Denver, according to The Post Game. Needless to say, Heath has bulked up a bit since those days.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is among the former Mr. Olympia champions.
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