New/Old guy

Big Mac

New member
Hey Brothers,

Just want to say hello and introduce myself.
I'm a longtime reader, new member.
I'm 56, 6'6", 280lbs. Been lifting for 42 years.
Been "supplementing" for a couple of years now.
Self described Trenaholic!

Thanks for the Add!
Good to have another new old guy. I’m 56 but nowhere near your size. (5’6”, 195). Are you competing in any masters shows? Last time I stepped on stage was in ‘83 and thinking about a masters show in the next year or two.
Good to have another new old guy. I’m 56 but nowhere near your size. (5’6”, 195). Are you competing in any masters shows? Last time I stepped on stage was in ‘83 and thinking about a masters show in the next year or two.
Bro you prob competed in the AAU? I cut my teeth there then migrated to the NPC much later
I was in non-sanctioned shows. I looked at going into an AAU or NABBA show but joined the Army and stopped competing. I had a good time competing regardless.