New Updated Arnold competor list


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1; COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Fouad Abiad
Evan Centopani
Toney FreemanDexter Jackson
Johnnie Jackson
Victor Martinez
Essa Obaid
Ben Pakulski
Robert Piotrkowicz
Ronny Rockel
Sergey Shelestov
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Dennis Wolf

Shelestov and Abiad are added to the list now...Looks like a very competive show...Who is your top 6 placings ?
it's really a shame phil isn't in that line up...i just can't get over that.
I don't have any idea how it will all shake out in the end, but with phil and kai not being there it really opens it up for everyone else. I would have to give the edge to branch, with roelly being maybe a sleeper.
I think it's between Dexter and Branch, but I also want to see what improvements Dennis Wolf has made since the Olympia.