New workout! Never been done before.

Glen Whitestone

New member
I am just bored so I thought I would change it up a bit. Different approach. I will do bulk day-just the big 3 followed by one supporting exercise for developement. Example Monday-deads, squats, bench. I will pair a few sets of widearm pull ups with my deads, leg press with squats and fly with bench.
Monday-Deads and wipe are pull up, flat bench and flys, finally squats and leg press.

Two other workout days will be for smaller muscle mass groups and support muscles.
Wednesday-hams, calves and abs-Leg curl, romainian dead, seated calf raise, donkey press, ab workout.
Friday-BI's, Tris, Shoulders-just a few sets and 8 reps max for each group.
looks like fun bro, personally I always throw a little more cardio in but that's just me, even with a fast metabolism you're just overall healthier and better conditioned with more cardio IMO