Newb to this site, needing advice


New member
Hello guys, long time reader, first post. I need some critique and advice on a cycle. Stats: 28 y.o., 5'10" 180lbs., ~10-11%b.f.
I have done a cycle of 500mg Sust. and 100mg Deca ew and a cycle of just Test. Cyp. at 500mg. ew in the past. I have a couple things on hand and want to know what's the best way to use for the best gains. I have 20cc Test cyp. @ 250mg/ml., 20 cc Tren. E. @ 250 mg/ml, 30 cc Equipoise @ 300mg/ml, 20cc Tren @ 75mg/ml, 30 cc Deca @ 100mg/ml. 3 bottles Immense Growth Factor from MCAS. I know this is a wide variety, don't plan on incorporating all of it, just need help putting together a good, solid stack. Thank you in advance. Oh, and provirion, clomid, nolvadex, aromasin, also on hand.
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I am assuming you are looking to bulk up bud. You could run a good bulker with:

Cyp or E @ 500 mg/wk for 10 weeks
Equipoise @ 400 or 500 mg/wk for 10 weeks
Tren @ 75 mg/eod for 6 weeks
Immense Growth Factor @ say 40-50 mcgs/day...just don't run this for 10 weeks straight. Go 2 on 2 off or 3 on 2 off...
Use your ancillaries as needed
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given your experience i dont think you need 5 diff compounds in your 3rd cycle....

ridiculous advice IMO....
I'd leave the Tren out for now and just go with the Cyp and EQ, then maybe (not necessary though) get your hands on a oral. You could use Immense Growth Factor in the beginning of your cycle and then use it again during PCT. You haven't tried EQ yet, and you could possible make great gains on just that and Cyp. I'd say the Tren for the next cycle.
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DB006 said:
given your experience i dont think you need 5 diff compounds in your 3rd cycle....

ridiculous advice IMO....
i agree on this. If your lookin to bulk run some test E with 500 or 600mg's of EQ that will also help with appetite. Whatever oral you want id go with tbol. And run the immense growth factor during pct.
Spiderman said:
I am assuming you are looking to bulk up bud. You could run a good bulker with:

Cyp or E @ 500 mg/wk for 10 weeks
Equipoise @ 400 or 500 mg/wk for 10 weeks
Tren @ 75 mg/eod for 6 weeks
Immense Growth Factor @ say 40-50 mcgs/day...just don't run this for 10 weeks straight. Go 2 on 2 off or 3 on 2 off...
Use your ancillaries as needed
I think before you get the correct advice (because you have alot of good compounds), you should let us know a little more about your goals bro.

bulk or cut or trying to do both as clean as possible?
how long were your last cycles?
When were your last cycles?
what's your work out routine incl. cardio?
what's your average diet look like? meaning total cals and % of fat/carb/protien?

and i understand what people are saying in regards to not taking too much for your 3rd cycle.. but years back when I was on my 3rd cycle it was insane w/ a ton of different compounds, but each compound was to help/enhance certain features of my cycle/body etc. Personally I don't think it's always the amount of different compounds that might be the issue, i think that sometimes it might the amount of each compound and the balance of your cycle, depending on your goals.
if bulking then I would just stick with:

500mg/wk test
300mg/wk deca

its more total mg/week (800) then you've ever done and its not 'overload'.