Next cycle any thoughts


New member
I am 22yrs old 5’10 192lbs 8% bf and have a couple cycles under my belt. I am looking to bulk up with this one so here it goes.

1-4 m-1-t 10mg/ed
1-10 test eth. 500mg/w
1-10 EQ 400-600mg?/w
6-12 tren 100mg/eod

I will also be using slin for the first 4 weeks and the last 4 weeks.
I am 22yrs old 5’10 192lbs 8% bf and have a couple cycles under my belt. I am looking to bulk up with this one so here it goes.

1-4 m-1-t 10mg/ed
1-10 test eth. 500mg/w
1-10 EQ 400-600mg?/w
6-12 tren 100mg/eod

I will also be using slin for the first 4 weeks and the last 4 weeks.

So the last two weeks of tren you will have no test? Not good in my opinion. Tren shuts you down. I personally run test with tren. As for the M1T I love the stuff but at your weight I would do 10mg pre-workout (1.5 hours before) and 10mg post-workout. As for the EQ I would shoot for 500mg or 600mg. What do you plan for post recovery? Best of luck bro!


the reason for running tren until week 12, well the idea was to make pct a little easier since tren’s half life is shorter then the test and EQ. If I stick with the original cycle then pct will look like this
hcg 1000iu every 5th day for 15 days from week 10
week 12-13 clomid 100mg/ed
week 14-15 clomid 50mg/ed
also Phosphatidylserine , creatine and slin
will have anti-e’s on hand and will be using 25mg proviron from week 3-12

TennOtitan what brand of m-1-t are you familiar? And how much do the brands differ?
I got my first M1T from Kilosports then from Designer Supplements. 1Fast400 has it as well. Of course Lap-Corp has it also.


I used M1T by itself. I will tell you the stuff rocks. I really liked the Kilosports brand (Rich Gaspari). I did 20mg per day for the first week. I gained 9 pounds in one week. 1Fast400 sells it in 5mg caps which is nice since you can dose it better. My next plan is to take 10mg before my workout and 10mg post workout about 2-3 hours later. M1T to me is like Tren. I really love the stuff.


tenn0titan said:
I got my first M1T from Kilosports then from Designer Supplements. 1Fast400 has it as well. Of course Lap-Corp has it also.



Thats good to hear I got my M1T from kilosports also I think someone from here might have recomended it. Anyhow I hope it works as good for me as it did for you.

Oh yea any comments on pct or does it look o.k.
thanks crazy
pct looks fine bro. Best of luck with the cycle. You should make sure you use a log for your workouts and try something new as far as routines are concerned. AS use helps but training and nutrition are the core parts of any well built body.

